Tuesday, February 19, 2008

The Spanish Conquests and the Age of Exploration

Explain the impact of the age of exploration and Spanish conquests on the people of the new world.


Hubbs said...

The so called age of exploration was a time when peoples curiosity was arousing thoughts of the places beyond their knowledge. They began to wonder of the numerous possibilities of existence. The Spanish were ahead during the conquests. They sailed the oceans in hoping to find new lands and as a result they would preach their religion to these unknown societies. A very few of these explorers were welcomed. New people meant new diseases and wars for the natives of the lands. For the fisrt time in history now we are able to see a rise in colonies and slaves.

Chamodi Rajapakse

Hubbs said...

The age of exploration was a very important period of time in history. Many sailors went out in hoping to find new lands riches and wealth. They would go on voyages and conquer land in the name of christianity and their country. Many great people like henry Hudson, Christopher Columbus and Vasco de Gama sailed the waters during this time. The natives did not like the new people since it meant trouble for them. They were trteated harshly and were put into slavery because of this.

Thamodi Rajapakse.

Hubbs said...

Europeans wanted to discover new trade routes so they set out to sea, but what also increased sea travel was the thoughtof having advances in ship building, navagation, and the development of gunpowder weapons. Portugal was the country that first started searching for trade routes and Price Henry the Navigator was the head of the royal family that supported exploration. In 1488, Bartholomew Dias sailed to the southern tip of Africa known as the Cape of Good Hope.In 1497 Vasco de Gama was the first European to reach India by sea and in India he established trade relations. In 1492 Christopher Columbus found Cuba and the islands that are know called the West Indies. By 1494 Portugal and spain were fighting over land in the Americas. A treaty, the Treaty of Tordesillas was drawn up so that both sides could stop the fighting. This treaty established a line of demarcation on a longitudinal line that ran through the western Atlantic Ocean. Everything to the east belonged to Portugal and everything to the west belonged to Spain. After this other countries such as England and France started launching their own expeditions. These countries competed with each other in order for them to conquer new lands and colonize colonies. COlonization and the increase in trade routes led a rise to nationalism and the development of stronng monarchies.

Patrycja Mika

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Hubbs said...

The age of exploration was time when people began to figure out that the world was actually round, and not flat. Also the purpose that started the age of exploration was because europeans were tired of muslim middlemen and wanted to find a new trade route to get to asia. Many explorers such as Christopher Columbus (found the Americas, Vasco De Gama (found the Cape of Good Hope at the tip of Africa), Magellan (became the first to circumnavigate the globe).
Many other explorers found new lands and found people such as the Incas and Aztecs.
During this exploration, new inventions emerged. Such as Lateen sails, the astrolabe, the magnetic compass, three-masted caravels, and the sternpost rudder. Even though many good things came to exploration, only one bad thing was happening. Cortes, found the Aztecs and wiped them out completely by destroying their land and killing them. Pizarro found the Incas and did the same

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

The Age of Exploration and Exapnsion was a time where people started to act on curiosity. People began to sail around the globe to find places beyond their knowledge and to acquire goods. Columbus, DeGama and hudson were some of the many famous explorers during this time.
Although the exploration was a good thing for the european nations, the invasion of the New World was pretty harsh. the euorpeans treated the found natives horribley. They were used as slaves and sen as lower than low. they would steal from them and kill them for fun. In addition to the massacres that took place the europens brought many new diseases that worked to kill out thousands in addition to the slaughter.
Some good from the age of Exploration was the invention of new tools such as the compass, astrolabe and larger and faster ships. These inventions among the many helped to make exploration ten times easier and more efficient.
the world would most definetly not be the same if it werent for the exploration and conquests.

Nicole Kwoka Period 7

Marklipari said...

The Age of Exploration played a very important role in the way things are today. The scientific Revolution provided such things as better navigational tools, and ships, which are essential in leading an exploration. The Age of exploration was sparked again by the Scientific revolution, in which people began to become very curious about things, and wanted to learn more about what was very distant to them. Many new places where discovered by the West, including the Americas. in time, colonization began, which lead to where the Americas are today.

the spanish conquests were also very important. without the spanish coming to America, many meso and northern american tribes and civilizations would possibly still be around. spanish conquests cleared land which was now open for colonization as well.

Hubbs said...

Exploration before the late fifteenth century was largely limited to land travel. Even though ships were used, the were linked to the land routes on the Silk Road.
The Portuguese and the Spanish wanted to eliminate the Muslim middlemen and discover better trade routes so they went out to sea. Advances in technology helped for increased speed.
An increase in trade created new leagues and wars. Explorers were able to create new routes around the tip of Africa to India, and were able to completly travel around the world. This proved that the world was sphere shaped. Other new places found were the islands of the West Indies and the Americas

-Veronica Benanti

Hubbs said...

The Age of Exploration began in Portugal. Many explorers set sail in hopes of finding riches, new trade routes, to conquer new lands, and to spread their religion. In 1492, Ferdinand and Isabelle of Spain financed Christopher Columbus's voyage to the new world, except that wasn't where he planned to go. Columbus initially intended to go to the Indies to get jewels and spices. When he reached the new world, he saw that people were already living here and he called them Indians because he believed he had reached the Indies.
Spain and Portugal began fighting over the new land and both wanted the land. In 1494, the Treaty of Tordesillas was signed. This treaty gave all of North and South America to Spain, and gave Portugal to Brazil.
The Spanish Conquests meant disaster for the natives of the new world. Cortes was a Spanish conquistador who wanted to conquer Mexico for gold. He captured the Aztec's leader, tortured the people, and eventually defeated the Aztecs. Pizzaro was also a conquistador who wanted to conquer the Incas for gold and riches. He also captured their leader and eventually caused the fall of the Incan empire. The natives of the Americas were treated horribly. They were hanged, roasted, and became slaves. They also got diseases such as smallpox from the Europeans that they were not immune to. All of these factors contributed to a huge decline in the native's population.

-Danielle Datre, period 4

Hubbs said...

The age of exploration was a time of discovery. People had discovered many things about the world, had new ideas & started thinking differently. The impact this had on people was extraordinary. New technology came about, such as: new maps, lateen sails, the compass, the astrolabe, gun powder & more. Most of these items were made for travel & were very helpful in finding new land & making new observations about how the world works. Many travelers also helped make a large impact on the age of exploration, such as: Christopher Columbus who sailed west & discovered the americas, Henry Hudson sailed & discovered New York, prince Henry the navigator supported a sailing school & many more travelers. This lead to knew knowledge of the world & new ideas to come about.

The spanish conquests was a very gruesome time for natives of the new world. Cortes, who was a conquistador, wanted to conquer Mexico for gold. When he arrived to Mexico with his men, he was offered gifts by the Aztecs but he soon turned on them by holding there leader captive & torturing natives They soon defeated the Aztecs.
Pizzaro, who was also a conquistador, wanted to conquer the Incas & also wanted there gold & riches. He captured the Incan leader [Atahualpa] who pleaded for mercy if he were to give 13,420 lbs of gold & 26,000 lbs of silver, but Pizzaro killed him anyway, which soon led to the fall of the Incan empire. Soon after, the natives were treated horribly. The natives were hung, made into slaves & children were thrown against walls. All for the fact that if they did not follow there religion, they were put to death. Even though they could not even understand the language in which they were speaking. This was a huge impact on the natives in the new world.

-Lynda Caleca Period 5

Hubbs said...

At the time of the Age of Exploration, the Western European countries started to explore other parts of the world. The Spanish and Portuguese sailors took control of South America, and divided the country in half, one side for Spain and one for Portugal. One of the impacts was that Cortes destroyed the Aztec Empire, to get gold and goods. Also, new navigational products, like astrolabe, got to Europe because of trade. Columbian Exchange had major effect to Europe, America, and Africa, because new foods, animals, slaves, disease, and resources were transferred from different countries. Finally, the Age of Exploration led to a formation of new types of economy.

Vlad Shrayman
period 4

samadhi thabrew said...

The Spanish Conquests and the Age of Exploration was period in time when people were thirsty for knowlegde, but all that started when they were trying to find a way to get rid of the middle men when trading with india. Another reason the Spanish Conquests and the Age of Exploration began was that people wanted to become rich, they sailed in hopes of finding something out there that hadn't been discovered or claimed so they can become rich and famous. When Christophr columbus found the Americas by accident while trying to find a route to get to india, He called the the native Americans Indans, thinking he was in India.The Europeans began the slaughter of the Indians because they were trying to convert the indians to christianity, and mainly they wanted to conquer the land and have it for themselves. This eventually led to the start of trade between Europe and the Americas(The Columbian Exchange).

Hubbs said...

The Age of Exploration was a great turning point in history. Many new ideas were put into place and many great powers rose and fell. Spain and Portugal became the two greatest nations for navigation. Prince Henry started up maritime navigational school in Portugal and they eventually sailed around Africa to India. Christopher Columbus, an Italian, sailed for Spain and discovered the Americas. After this, Magellan circumnavigated the globe.

Because of the new lands found, middlemen were practically eliminated from western Europe and they in turn, became the middlemen for the east. The Columbian Exchange was bringing new and fascinating items to and fro the Americas

The Church was also put into place as their teaching of a flat earth was righted by Magellan and their persecution of protestats wwas stopped because they could now escape to the newly found land and find religious peace there.

-Tom Rodberg, period 4

Hubbs said...

During the Age of Exploration people in Europe began to became extremely infatuated with the world beyond their own. They wanted to know of different places, different cultures and different people. Although other reasons for exploration was economics. With people feeling eger to learn more about the unknown many now famous explores set out to expand their knowledge of the worlds vast diverse cultures and locations. Such explores as Vasco De Gama, who was the first European to reach India by sea, and Ferdinand Magellan, who circumnavigated the globe. However probably the most explorer during the Age of Exploration was Christopher Columbus, who as we all know discovered the Americas. Technological advancements were great in the Age of Exploration with the development of lateen sails, the astrolabe, magnetic compass, three-masted caravels and gun powder. Though there were negative things that happened in the Age of Exploration like the enslaving of conquered peoples. When the natives refused to cooperate with the intruders they were attacked. The Spanish enslaved the natives and tortured them.

Brett Peloso
Period 5

Nicole Paloscio said...
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Hubbs said...

Also known as the Age of Discovery, the Age of Exploration began in the 15th century and continued into the 17th century. European ships traveled around the world in search of wealth and foreign goods like silk, jewels, porcelain, and gunpowder. Some of the most famous explorers were Christopher Columbus, Vasco da Gama, and Ferdinand Magellan.

People wanted to find a route to Asia through traveling west. The Atlantic Ocean was vastly unknown to them. Newer and improved ships were built that could sail safely on the rough waters of the open Atlantic, unlike the calm Mediterranean Sea.

Spain wanted to join the explorations so they funded Christopher Columbus on his voyage to sail west. In 1494, they fought with Portugal over territory in the Americas. Spanish explorers after Columbus gained prosperity in the Aztec and Inca Empires.

Period 4

Hubbs said...
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Hubbs said...

Exploration during this time was limited to land travel. Ships were used on the Mediterranean and indian ocean trade routes for centuries; but they were connected to land routes through Persia, Arabia, Northern Africa, or the silk road in central asia.
The Spanish were anxious to eliminate Muslim middlemen and find better trade routes to Asia, the portuguese and Iberia opponents they set out to sea. They made advances in navgation, ship building and developed weapons that used gun powder which allowed the seatravel to increase. This allowed explorers to sail across the oceans, and the Europeans encountered lands that they had not known before. Vasco da Gama of Portugual, sailed around the Cape of Good Hope, to India. Christopher Columbus, a Spanish explorer, was the first to sail west and discovered America. These explorations lasted for about 250 years, and ended European isolation and eventually led to Global domination.

Caitlin Caggino period 7

Hubbs said...

Europe's improvements on navigation led them to the discoveries of new trade routes. Most of these trade routes were supported by Prince Henry the Navigator. Bartholomew Dias discovered the Cape of Good Hope located in South Africa. Vasco de Gama was the first to reach India by sea and established trade routes there. Portugal and Spain were both power-hungry, so they started fighting over land in the Americas. The Treaty of Tordesillas later stopped the fighting. Everything to the east of the line of demarcation belonged to Portugal and everything to the west belonged to Spain. Also, England and France competed with each other to conquer new lands. This is where nationalism rose, which is due to colonization and an increase in trade.

-Danny K

Hubbs said...

- Alyssa Olivo

The motives of the exploration was mainly for economic purposes. The
Europeans also desired wealth, power and foreign goods. The Age of
Exploration began in Portugal. Prince Henry the Navigator trained
people to sail and explore. Vasco de Gama was the first Europe to
reach India. Ferdinand Magellan was the first person tom
circumnaviagte the globe. In Spain Ferdinand and Isabella financed
Christopher Colombus's expeditions. Christopher Colombus found the
Americas (West Indies), he also brought back spices and gold for Spain.

Cortes a conquistador wanted to conquer Mexico for gold. He defeated
the Aztecs and was considered a hero becoming very wealthy. Pizzaro
wanted to conquer Incas for gold and riches as well. He captured the
Incan ruler in exchange for money. He killed him even after he got
the gold and silver.

The Spanish conquests and Age of Exploration affected the Indians.
The conquistadors enslaved the Indians, killing many and forcing them
to convert to Christianity. A new government was also started
(Council of Indies). New social classes arose. Ex: Peninsulares:
people who were born in Spain. Creoles: American born descendants of
Spanish. Mestizos: people of Native American and European descent.
Mulattoes: people of African and European descent.

Hubbs said...
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Hubbs said...
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Hubbs said...
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Hubbs said...

spain was unified by queen isabella and king ferdinand and then started the religious spreading of their christian faith through many ways. spain went on a quest that lead to wealth and gold and land and resulted int he spread of their religion to the americas and their customs and culture. spanish explorers found great wealth in the aztec and incan empires. Cortes and Pizarro defeated the aztecs and incas by their advanced weaponry and their diseases to the indians. they converted thousands of Indians to Christianity and began the slave trade to europe. the large population of natives was largely wiped out by the spanish conquests in contrast to other conquests. never before was such an area of large largely depopulated and therefore the europeans were able two create two new continents in their own image

Hubbs said...

the last comment was me =]

Maria Bobova

Hubbs said...
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Nicole Paloscio said...

The age of exploration basically started because countries wanted to expand and create a world empire. All countries had a desire to become wealthy, and they hope to build up their economy. They hope to find silk, spices and jewels. Christopher Columbus had a big influene on the Age of Exploration. He discovered the Americas. The Spanish Conquests meant bad news for Native Americans. The spanish conquest mostly affected the Native Americans. They kept Native Americans as slaves,and brought many diseases to their country. This slowly killed them. The Spanish conquerors also made Indians to convert to Christianity.

-Nicole Paloscio
Period 5 (:

Melter said...

The Age of Exploration began because Western nations such as Spain and Italy wanted to discover new trade routes, spread religion, and gain wealth. Over time, new trade routes to india and tthe east were formed, and most importantly, the Americas were discovered. The discovery of the Americas led to an huge amount of wealth for Spain, the Triangular Trade, and the killing of over 40 million Native Americans.

-Mikhail Elterman, Period 5

Hubbs said...

The European age of Exploration main purpose was to eliminate the middlemen charging taxes on traders. Before the age of exploration the only way to reach areas such as India was to travel on land. During the late 15th Century Spain and Portugal were the pioneering countries in sea trade. Portugal had more advantages over Spain. Portugal’s
Two advantages were its location and its long-standing trade relations with Muslim nations. Portugal was located close to the coast of Africa and was supported by the royal family whose leader was Prince Henry the Navigator. Portugal started traveling by sea in 1488 when they sent Vasco de Gama who rounded the Cape of Good Hope. Spain would have their most noticeable expedition when Christopher Columbus sailed to present day Cuba in 1492. This would lead to the exploration of the American Continents. In 1494 the two countries were fighting for control and the Treaty of Tordesillas was drawn up to divide the discovered lands. At the same time The Netherlands, France and England started making their own expeditions to the new lands. At this time all five countries were rapidly acquiring colonies and conquering new lands Once the explorers found what was to them new land they also found native people in this new land. They would force these native people to do their work. European sailors would start using the Indians for slavery. They brought diseases to the new lands and would spread it to the native people. When the Europeans began to over work the Indians they to look for more workers and they went to Africa. This would begin the African Slave trade.

Domenico Buono
Period 4

emilia d said...

before the spanish expansion and the age of exploration, traveling is the open waters was limited.traveling through the land routes through out persia, arabia, northern africa, or central asia was costly and time consuming.portugal was in lead with the technological advancements and started the first school for sailing. with this they were more prepared for the voyages.in 1492, Bartholomew Dais rounded the tip of africa.in 1492, colunbus sailed and discobered the americas.the treaty of tordesillas was signed on 1494 because spain and portugal were fighting over the land founded bu columbus.next in 1497, Vasco De Gama sailed around africa allway to india.soon other places like france and england wanted expansion.

Hubbs said...

The Age of Exploration was a period of time in which Europeans decided to expand their knowledge. The Atlantic was vastly unknown to them and they wanted to find direct trade routes to avoid middlemen. They also wanted to help their economies in trade. Portugal and Spain were the two main countries that encouraged exploration. Prince Henry the Navigator of Portugal opened up a school of navigation. In 1488, Bartholomew Dias rounded the tip of Africa and discovered the Cape of Good Hope. Vasco de Gamma later explored African Kingdoms and sailed all the way to India. Magellan was the first man to circumnavigate the earth. Although he died in the attempt on the island of the Philippines, his crew was able to make it back. These men helped establish new trade routes and were able to expand colonialism.

-Faten Odeh

Hubbs said...

The age of exploration was a very important time in history. This was a time when countries wanted to find new lands, and possibly become more wealthy. There were many important explorers at this time. For example, Vasco De Gamo sailed around Africa, and into India. He was the first person to do this. Christopher Columbus also discovered North America, or "The New World." Many navigational devices were created at this time. It was also first discovered at this time that the earth was round.

-Chris Barrett

Lesley said...

The Age of Exploration went into motion when many curiosities arouse and people demanded new products for trade. Many have heard of a man named Marco Polo. He wrote documents of what he saw when he was on his voyage in India. He spoke of the beautiful sights and things that Europe did not have. From reading or hearing of his voyage, people decided to sail to India.

During that time, reaching India meant paying the middle men in the Mediterranean. They charged high prices and many refused to pay. So as a result, a search for a new route to India began..

Bartolomeu Diaz was a Portugal explorer who traveled along the coast of Africa and reached the Southern part of Africa and named it the Cape of Good Hope.

Another Portugal explorer was able to use Diaz's method to reach India. He was Vasco de Gama. He was the first to reach India by going around Africa. Many after him followed and was able to money through trade.

Christopher Columbus, a well known Italian explorer who sailed for Spain was the first to find the Americas. His logic of reaching India was unique. This is because he believed the world was round. And by reaching India, he should sail west to reach east India. But what he did not know was there was a land yet to be discovered.

After Christopher Columbus discovered the Americas, many Spanish conquistadors sailed there. They were looking to conquer land and look for goods. Though discovering new land was good, there was a big downfall to this.

When Columbus first came to the Americas, what he didn't know was the he was bringing man epidemics into the new land. Since it was the first time the Natives had been exposed to these diseases, it took a toll in their population. Having no immunity to diseases such as yellow fever, small pox, and many others, they died quickly, destroying many empires, such as the Aztecs.

Hubbs said...

The age of exploration was very important. They began to wonder for other existing civilizations and land. Before there was only one way to get to Asia through the silk road but the Age of Exploration allowed other routes. Many famous explorers were popular at this time like, Henry the Navigator, Vasco de Gama, Columbus who discovred new ways to get to Asia. This leads to a Triangular trade which is between the Americas, Europe and Africa.

Hubbs said...

the last comment was by

Brian IM

Hubbs said...
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Hubbs said...

The Age of Exploration was a time where people's inquiring mind had started to race. Many people had started to think what else is out there in the world? Are there any lands that we have never heard of? Can we maybe conquer these lands and take its riches for ourselves? All these questions had arised in many adventurer's minds. There were many great voyagers, like Vasco de Gama who rounded the Cape of Good Hope and went all the way to India, where he established a trade route. There was Christopher Columbus who had found the Americas and established. Many things had been established because of all these new places being found and also sometimes being claimed. This was the begining to slavery of African people. Of course many trade routes were established as well to trade many tpes of goods. THe Age of Exploration was a time of great discovery.

Robert Krumer
Period 7

Hubbs said...

Omar Elgamal

The age of exploration was the name of the period when people from all over the world began to travel around mostly in search of land and trade. People explored the world widely and were shocked by their discoveries .people were eager to eliminate the middlemen and discover more efficient trade routes to Asia, The Portuguese's, and to the Spanish. SOme explorers included De Gama , colombus, leon, balboa, magellan, cabot, drake, hudson and more.

Hubbs said...

The Age of Exploration was a time where sailors wanted to find direct trade routes and wanted to expand.Many famous sailors were Christopher Columbus, which founded the Americas, Henry the Navigator, who opened the first sailing school.Magellan was the first man to circumnavigate the world.These man reached their goals because they found direct trade routes and helped expand.

Deanna Mohamed

Hubbs said...

The Age of Exploration was a period in history that the European nations were becoming more curious about the earth, and the land that was a part of it. It was also known as the Age of Discovery, as at the time, more technological advances (stronger ships, better weapons, navigational systems, etc) were coming around to help them sail in search of riches and trade. Some of the most famous explorers of the time were Christopher Columbus (who founded the new world), Vasco da Gama (who sailed the Cape of Good Hope), and Ferdinand Magellan (who was able to circumnavigate the world). At the time, the world was believed to be flat and the Atlantic ocean was relatively unknown to them, and the explorers of this time proved the world to be round, and were able to use the Atlantic ocean as a means of travel, as well.

period 4