Thursday, April 3, 2008

Growth of the Industrial Revolution pg 209

Explain what innovations helped spread the Industrial Revolution and how they were able to impact the world


Hubbs said...

Before the industrial revolution most work was done at home and this was known as the domestic system. New inventions came about like the flying shuttle or the spinning jenny which both sped up weaving. The cotton gin was invented in 1793 by Eli Whitney this drastically sped up the making of cotton in America. The new technological advancements changed this to factory system because heavy machinery could not be used at home. The steam engine was one the most important inventions during the industrial rev. because it made power and allowed for transportation. the first steamship was built in 1807 and in 1820s the steam powered locomotive was invented. Britain was capable of industrializing very efficiently due to their vast resources of coal.


Hubbs said...

Before the industrial revolution, the domestic system was used. this meant that most work was done at home by hand. In the 18th century, there were many technological advancements. The flying shuttle, and spinning jenny were both invented to speed up the sewing process. Soon wtyaer power cwas used an dthe machines were moved to places where water was more abundant. The cotton gin was soon invented and the textile industry was taken out of homes and put into mills completley. Industrialization spread into all industries. The steam engine was invented as well as the steamship and the steam powered locamotive. These inventions helped build empires and speed up global trade. Britain indulstrialized very quickly.
Nicole Kwoka

Hubbs said...

Before the Industrial Revolution, most worked on farms or at home. This was known as the domestic system. Technological advancements in the 18th Century changed this. John Kay created the flying shuttle in 1733 to speed up the production of weaving. In 1793 Eli Whitney invented the cotton gin, allowing massive amounts of cotton to be processed quickly. The steam engine was one of the most important inventions created during the Industrial Revolution. Steam could be used to generate power for industry and also for transportation. In 1807 the steamship was built. Other inventions were also built such as: the telegraph (1837), the telephone (1876), the lightbulb (1879) and the airplane (1903).

- Alyssa Olivo

Aleks C. said...

Before the Industrial Revolution Most Europeans worked on farms, at home or in small shops. Products that wer ade were unefficient and a lot of work this was known as the domestic system. Later, Technological advancements were occurring which led to inventions such as the flying shuttle and spinnning jenny and a change to labor. Afterwars the steam engine was improved over the years and allowed a steam powered locomotive which leaned toward eventual trade.

Hubbs said...

Before the Industrial Revolution ahd started up, most of the work was being done int he domestic system. Most of the work in Europe was done in shops, homes, and farms. Then many technological advances had came around to make life easier for people. The flying shuttle (1733), spinning jenny(1764), were made to make weaving at much faster pace. The cotton gin was also made. More industries were created and more inventions were created in the 1700s, such as the steam engine that was perfected in the late 1700s. The steam engine was big help for the Europeans because it was now a better way for transportation and to generate power for industry.

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

Before the Industrial Revolution, many work was done at home or on farms. But, this was all changed by the new technologies of the
18th century. For example: the flying shuttle made weaving process much faster. Spinning jenny was able to spin big amounts of thread. The cotton gin allowed bigger amounts of cotton to be faster made in Americas, and exported to Europe. Some of the textile innovations were the steam engine and steamship. In short, all those new inventions simplified work and strengthened nations' global trade.

Vlad Shrayman
Period 4

Nicole Paloscio said...

Nicole Paloscio
Period 5

Before the industrial revolution most people worked at home, or lived on a farm [also called a domestic system]. Many new inventions also played a role in inspiring the industrial revolution. Some inventions were the spinning jenny, cotton gin. The spinning jenny sped up weaving. The cotton gin was used to speed up the making of cotton in America.

These new advancements changed the factory systems because most of the heavy machines could not be used at home. The steam engine became one of the most important inventions. These invetions influenced urbanization, and it helped speed up trade. Britain was the first country to be industrialized.

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Hubbs said...

As a result of the Industrial Revolution many technological advancements were made in the 18th century. John Kay invented a flying shuttle that helped speed up the weaving process. John Hargreaves invented the spinning jenny, which could spin large amounts of thread. Eli Whitney's cotton Gin allowed large amounts of cotton to be made quickly in America and exported to Europe. One of the most significant developmets was the steam engine. It allowed steam to generate power for industry and it could be used for transportation. In 1807, Robert Fulton invented the first steamship. In the 1820's, George Stephenson built the first steam powered locomotive. These innovations impacted the world because in the hands of an imperial power like Britain, it would drastically help empire building and global trade. Britain already had a lot of coal, so the steam engine took off quickly there.

Caitlin Caggino Period 7