Monday, March 24, 2008

The Age of Napoleon pgs 225-226

Sum up the rule of Napoleon during the French Revolution


Anonymous said...
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Hubbs said...

Napoleon Bonaparte overthrew the French Directory in 1799. He declared himself the First Consul under a new constitution. His most important achievement was the Napoleonic Code (1804). Which recognized all French citizens as equals. The code was also based on ancient Roman law. The rights of women and children was limitied under the code. Napoleon's troops conquered Prussia, Austria, Spain, Portugal and kingdoms within Italy. He dissolved the Holy Roman Empire and reorganized it into a confederacy of German states. Then in 1804 he crowned himself emperor of the new empire. In 1812, he attacked Russia but wasn't ready for the harsh weather. As winter came thousands of his troops died. When they came back to France Napoleon was exiled. Napoleon returned from exile and regained his power. In 1813 at Waterloo his enemies finally defeated him. They then sent him into exile again (this time far away from France), he never gained power again and died in St. Helena.

- Alyssa Olivo

Hubbs said...

At age 24, Napoleon Bonaparte was a military leader and overthrew the Directory in France in 1799. After doing so, he became the First Consul and made many reforms. He also made the Napoleonic Code in 1804 which brought equality to men and institutionalized enlightenment ideas. However this did not bring many rights to women and children. Other than this code which is still used today in a more modern verison, Napoleon also conquered many lans like Austris, Prussia, Spain, Portugal and parts of Italy. The Holy Roman Empire was also replaced by a confederacy of German States. He brought France to its peak in 1810 after he had crowned himself emperor. This however did not last because of Napoleons greed. His greed had cost France a lot of money and lost of power because of conflicts with Britain and Spain. After trying to attack Russia, which caused supply shortages and many deaths to the French troops, Napoleon was exiled. This didn't last long because he soon returned and tried to regain power. He was soon defeated and sent into exile once again at St. Helena, where he died.

Jacqueline Perez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

Napoleon Bonaparte was a force to be reckon with. Even though he was short, he surely proved he was not weak. He had overthrew the Directory by showing that the people loved him best in a vote. He had declared himself First Consul. He had created the Napoleonic Codes, which recognized the equality of French citizens. This code had limited Women and children's rights, however people still love this constitution. Napoleon had taken over many countries such as Austria, Prussia, Russia, Spain, Portugal, and some areas in italy. He had crowned himself emperor in 1804. The empire was fantastic, but sadly after many mistakes and happenings, the empire didn't stay at that high peak for long. Some exampled of these were some conflicts with Britain, the fierce guerilla warfare in Spain and Porgual, and finally the invasion of Russia, where he of course fialed because of the cold winters that they had. Then he was forced in exile. As a result of all of Mr. Bonaparte's amazing defeats, leaders of countries got together to restore order in Europe. After hearing of this Napoleon tried to regain power, but sadly was defeated in the Battle of Waterloo against Russia and Britain. They then permanently exiled him to St.Helena where he later died.

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

Napoleon was a general by the age of 24. He overthrew the Directory in 1799. He soon declared himself First Consul under the new constitution. He created the Napoleonic Code in 1804. It was a system of law for internal problems. It recognized the equality of French citizens and institutionalized some enlightenment ideas that inspired revolutinaries. Napoleons biggest impact was how he spread France throughout Europe and the Americas. Many lands were conquered. Such as Austria, Prussia, Spain, Portugal, and Italian kingdoms. He began to attack Russia but was tricked to go into Moscow which the Russians had set on fire to prevent Naopleon from being able to house his troops there. He was forced to exile. At Waterloo his allies turned agianst him. He was exiled but then taken back again. And under his rule he created highschools. But he limited the roles of women.
Nicole Kwoka

Anonymous said...

Napoleon Bonaparte rose to power legally, through the Directory that was created after the Reign of Terror and Robespierre. He was appointed a military leader and on behalf of the Directory, he used his reputation and immense popularity to overthrow the Directory in 1799. He declared himself under another constitution. Napoleon created the Napoleonic codes in 1804 which recognized the equality of French citizens. With his power, he conquered most of Western Europe. He changed France into an aggressor and fought off other foreign aggressors. His greed for wanting to rule the world led to his denouement. He made unwise decisions in battles, eventually banned from France, and then died.

Period 4

Anonymous said...

Napoleon Bonaparte was a military general of France by age of 24. he used his popularity to overthrow the directory by 1799 and ligitimized his actions by popular vote and then declared himself Firs Consul under the new constitution. he initiated many reforms and did the Napoleonic code which is still used today. his biggest impact was t expand france and create an empire and he conquered many calling himself the new charlemagne. by 1818, whith the empire at its peak, the empire started to fall with uprisings and internal affairs that could not control the empire. he also lost the battle when he went into russia and caused mabny deaths which caused him to be exiled.

Nicole Paloscio said...

Napoleon became emperor at age 24. Some of Napoleon's successes were the Napoleonic code, equality to men, a fair tax code, national bank & currency. Napoleon created lycees [public highschools], he limited the role of women, and normalized realtions with the church. Napoleon's goal was to build an empire. Napoleon and his troops began to conquer Prussia, Austrai, Spain, Portugal, and some parts of Italy. Napoleon destroyed the Holy Roman Empire, and he organized the 300 German states. Napoleon sold Louisiana to the U.S. In 1804 Napoleon crownded himself emperor. Napoleon planned to invade Great Britain but the continental system stopped Britain goods from reaching Europe to be sold. Napoleon started to attack lands in Russia, but Russia got set on fire to keep Napoleon out. At the battle of Waterloo his allies turned against him. Napoleon was then exiled to St Helena.

Hubbs said...

Napoleon was a star military leader of the Directory. As a result of his successes in the Directory, he returned to France and gained much respect and power; he overthrew the Directory in 1799.
He used a popular vote to declare himself the first counsul under the new constitution. Domestically, he introduced many changes in agriculture, infrastructure and public education. He unified relations with the church and restored a certain degree of tolerance and stability. His Napoleonic Codes recognized the equality of the male French citizens and institutionalized some Enlightment ideas. His Code has been significantly modified over the years, but, it now reflects more modern sensibility and has served as a model for other codes in Europe. His biggest impact was external. To spread France's splendor he warded off foreign invaders and made France an agressor. He dismantled the Holy Roman Empire and reorganized it into a confederancy of German states. In 1800, he crowned himself to be the new Charlemagne. In 1810, his empire was at its peak, but, slowly declined. Nationalistic uprising, unrest in Italy and brutal guerilla warfare in Spain and Portugal, undermined his power. In 1812, his greed got the better of him and he was exiled.

Caitlin caggino period 7