Monday, March 10, 2008

The Gunpowder Empires 197-198

The Gunpowder Empires are a vital part of the period from 1450-1750. For this assignment we want you to focus on the Ottoman, Mughal and Safavid Empires. Please in a paragraph explain the impact of each of these empires on their specific areas.


Hubbs said...

The Gunpowder empires were The ottamans, safavid, and Mughal.

The Ottomans who were founded by Osman Bay, were better known as the Turks. They had dominated many lands and made one empire that was definitly one of the hugest empires in the 1450s. They had conquered many lands that spread from greece to persia and around the mediterranean. They were aforce to be reckon with. They had destroyed Constantinople and renamed their new capital, Istanbul. They had taken Christian young boys, around the age of seven and made them Janissaries. They were to recognize the sultan and fight as warriors for the Ottoman Empire. The Ottomans took a chance at Western Europe (during the time of the protestant reformation), but did not succeed more than Hungary, because they did not make it through Vienna. They were truly people who had expanded into many territories during their reign.

The Safavids, were mainly concerned with military conquests. They had a location which is now in modern day Iran. They had also had alloweded sunnis and shia in the land in which they lived in. They had not done many things, but they were certainly a gunpowder state.

The Mughal Empire whichw as ruled under Akbar, had let Hinduism and Islam to be practiced openly within the state. He had made given women more rights and also let Hindus and Muslims mix within the territory. In the Mughal Empire, the Taj Mahal was built, whihc today is now one of the most glorious places to visit in the world. Once his grandson, Shah Jahan had taken over, muslims and hindus were now separated. The Hindus were prosecuted and and religious toleration had ended.

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

The Ottoman's
- The Ottoman's were founded by Osman Bey
- In 1453 the Turks invaded Constantinople ending the Byzantine Empire.
- The Ottoman's made Constantinople their capital, renaming it Istanbul.
- The Ottoman's believed in religious toleration, Christians and Jews were allowed to practice their religions.
- Within a few hundred years the Ottoman's conquered most of the regions held by the ancient Roman Empire, except Italy
- As the empire grew, they began to persecute Christians and enslaved them. They made the children into Janissaries (warriors)
- The Ottoman's tried to take Vienna and the Holy Roman Empire but did not succeed.
- The empire lasted until 1922, it greatly expanded Islam.

The Safavid's
- The rivals of the Ottoman Empire
- Based on military conquest and dominated by Shia Islam.
- Allianced with Europeans against the Ottoman's
- Rifts between the Sunni and Shia sects

Mughal Empire
- Babur invaded Northern India and defeated the Delhi Sultanate. He established a new empire known as Mughal Empire
- Mughal united almost the whole subcontinent
- Babur's grandson, Akbar (1556 - 1605) was able to unify India's government under a policy of religious toleration.
- He also eliminated the tax on Hindu's and tried to stop the performance of sati.
- For nearly 100-years Hindu's and Muslim's cooperated by once Shah Jahan took over, religious toleration ended. In the 1700s the persecution of Hindu's took place once again.

- Alyssa Olivo

Hubbs said...

The Ottomans, or better known as the Turks Came to dominate most of Modern-day Turkey and invaded Constantinople. Their invasion of Constantinople ended the Byzantine Empire. The Ottomans renamed Constantinople as Istambul and made it their capital. The empire was one of the most religioulsy tolerant around at the time. The turks did capture janissaries though. Janissaries werwe young christian boys who were stolen to recognize the sultan and fight as warriors for the Ottoman empire. The Mepire attempted to capture Western Europe but could not succeed with more than Hungary because they couldnt get through Vienna.

The Safavids were the rivals of the Ottoman Empire. They were mostly concerned with military conquests. They had allowed for both the Sunnis and Shiites to live in their land but they were dominated by Shia Islam. they are located in modern-day Iran. the safavids became allies with Europeans against the Ottomans.

The Mughal Empire was created by Babur whom defeated the Delhi Sultanate. The empire united almost the entire subcontinent. there was religious toleration for Hindus and Islamics.The Hindu tax was eliminated and sati was abolished. Hindus were soon allowed in govt postions thanks to Akbar. Under Akbar the Mughal empire most definetly had a golden age.
After Akbar however, religious toleration was ended and Jizya was unfortunetly reinstated.Hindus began to get prosecuted once again and Muslims and Hindus were separated yet again in about 1700.

Nicole Kwoka

Hubbs said...

The Ottoman Empire:
They renamed the capital Constantinople to Istanbul and converted cathedrals into mosques (but they were still religiously tolerant). In 100 years, the land once part of ancient Roman Empire was under the Ottomans rule. This expansion led to religious persecution. Janissaries, or Christian children made into warriors , were used to conquer large territories. Under Suleiman I, the Ottoman Empire reached a golden age which went from 1520-1566. Taking advantage of the weakness of Hungary, they took parts of it and went on to conquering land in Austria. Vienna was the furthest West the Ottomans got, not going past territories of Byzantine influence. They lasted until 1922.
They were a centralized state (in modern day Iran) that was dominated by Shia Islam, often causing strife among them and the Sunni.
They united almost the entire subcontinent which is something that has never been accomplished to that extent. Hinduism and Islam were practiced openly at this time and the jizya on Hindus was removed. Akbar, leader at the time, tried eliminating sati and welcomed Hindus into governmental positions. After Akbar, the Taj Mahal was built, and religions toleration ended. the jizya was brought back and Hindu temples were destroyed. Europeans began arriving, and the British East India Company controlled trade in Bombay. They dominated trade in the region and Mughal emperor were annoyed by this but they permitted the trade for they thought of the Europeans as harmless.

period 4

Anonymous said...

the ottomans were founded by Osman Bey of the Turks and they took over Constantinople also known as Istanbul know in Byzantine. they conquered many regions held on by the old Roman empire and extended from Greece eastward to Persia, and into the Mediterranean to Egypt and North Africa. Religious persecution also started as Janissaries were made from Christian children and under Suleiman I, the empire experienced a golden age.

the Safavids were the eastern rivals of the ottomans. the state was based on military conquest and was run by Shiites. since it was located between ottomans and mughal, there was religious tension between the Shiite and Sunni societies.

Mughal empire was founded by Babur who claimed to be from Genghis Khan descendant. under akbar, they let Hinduism and Islam to be both practiced openly and women got more rights. under shah jahan, the hindus and Islam were seperated and religious toleration ended.

Hubbs said...

The Ottoman Empire one of the Islamic gunpowder empires rose to power when the Mongol Empire fell.The Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman Bay. The Ottomans made Constantinople their capital city, renaming it to Istanbul and converting cathedrals into mosques. The Ottomans were one of the most tolerant empires of the time; allowing other religions to be practiced such as the religion of the Jews and the Christians. The Ottoman empire conquered many lands while extending from Greece to Persia, and then all the way around the Mediterranean into Egypt and Northern Africa. As the empire grew, so did religious persecution. When Suleiman I came to power he built up the Ottoman Empire, encouraged the development of the arts causing the Ottomans to experience a Golden Age. The Ottoman Empire was one of the world's most siginficant empires because it lasted from before 1450 to 1922 and was able to develop as an empire and expand.
The Safavid Empire is another Islamic gun powder empire that was based on military conquest and dominated by the Shia Islam. The Safavids were also the enemies of the Ottomans so there was always some sort of bickering or fuedling between them.
The Muglam Empire is the last Gunpowder empire that dominated Indian for the next 300 years and was established by Babur in 1526. The Mughal Empire within 150 years was able to unite the entire Indian subcontinent. In the Mughal Empire, during the reign of Akbar from 1556 to 1605 a lot of changes occured. Jizya was eliminated and sati was in action to be eliminated. There was also religios toleration and the welcoming of the Hindus to government positions. This all resulted in a golden age of art, architecture ( Taj Mahal built) and etc. But this all changed when Shah Jahan came into power. Religious toleration ended, the jizya was reintated, Hindu temples were destroyed, the persecutions of Hindus started to take place and Europeans started to arrive.

-Patrycja Mika

Hubbs said...


The 3 gunpowder empires included The Ottomans , The Safavids, and the Mughal Empire.
The Ottomans were founded by Osman Bey .They dominated and took over Constantinople now known as Istanbul. They conquered alot of land held on by the old Roman empire and extended from Greece eastward to Persia, and into the Mediterranean to Egypt and North Africa. The Ottoman also began to persecute christn boys and make them convert to Islam aand fight for them .The empire experienced a golden age under Suleman I.He is also known as sulieman the Magnificent.

the Safavids were the eastern rivals of the ottomans. the state was based on military conquest and was run by Shiites. since it was located between ottomans and mughal, there was religious tension between the Shiite and Sunni societies.

Mughal empire was founded by Babur who claimed to be from Genghis Khan descendant. under akbar, they let Hinduism and Islam to be both practiced openly and women got more rights. under shah jahan, the hindus and Islam were seperated and religious toleration ended.

Hubbs said...

islamic gunpowder empires
-the ottoman empire actually extends before 1450
-as the mongol empire fell the muslim ottoman empire founded by Osman Bay rose in Anatolia to unify the region and challenge the Byzantine empire
-the Turks came to dominate most of modern day Turkey and eventually in 1453 invaded constantinople thereby ending the bYzantine empior
-the ottomans made Constantinople the capital renamed it Istanbul the great ctahedrals such as hagia sofia into mosques
-the ottomans conquered most of the regions previously held by the ancient roman empire except for italy westward
-the ottoman empire extended from greece westward to persia
-as the empire grew so did religous persecution
-janisaries, ottoman enslaved christian children for warriors *
-Suleiman 1 rose to power , he buitl up ottoman empire and encouraged the arts under him the ottomans experienced a golden age form 1520-1566
-the ottoman empire lasted until 1922
-1526 babur leader who claimed to be a decendant of Genghis Khan was muslim and invaded India and quicky defeated Delhi Sultante
-he estabished a new empire called the Muhgal empire which dominated the india subcontinent for the next 300 years

-Megan Casale, per.4

Hubbs said...

The Ottoman Empire was founded by Osman Bay. The Ottoman Empire was mainly Muslim. the Ottomans are know as the Turks as well.They conquered most of modern-day Turkey.By 1453 the Ottomans conquered Constantinople, this ended the Byzantine Empire.Constantinople which was the capital of Byzantine remained the capital of the Ottoman Empire however was renamed to Istanbul.They changed the cathedrals into mosques. For example, the Hagia Sophia which was formally known as the Santa Sophia became a mosque. The empire was religiously tolerant. They converted little Christian boys to Islam and were called Janissaries.Janissaries were forced to become warriors at young ages. The Ottoman Empire tried to conquer western Europe but did not fulfill their goal to conquer western Europe.They conquered many lands and spread religion throughout their empire.

The Safavids were mainly focused on military. They were mainly made up of Shia Muslims.They allowed Sunnis to practice in their empire. however there were huge rival between the Sunni and Shia Muslims.
The Mughal Empire was founded by Babur in 1526.His grandson Akbar , took rule in 1556 and ruled until 1605. He united most of India because he allowed all religions to practice openly.Akbar's grandson, Shah Jahan ruled after his death. HE bult the Taj Mahal. Jahan killed Hindus and he put an end to religious toleration.

Deanna Mohamed

Hubbs said...

The Gunpowder Empires were The Ottoman’s, The Safavid’s and the Mughal Empire.

The Ottomans were founded by Osman Bey. In 1453 they invaded Constantinople and ended the Byzantine Empire. They renamed Constantinople Istanbul and made it their new capital. The Ottomans had religious tolerance. The Ottoman Empire soon became just as big as the Roman Empire. As the empire grew, they because to enslave and torture Christians. They Ottomans tried to take over Vienna but could not. They became a big cause of the Islam religion spreading. The Ottoman Empire lasted till 1922.

The Safavid’s were against the Ottoman Empire. They were based on their military. It was contolled by Shia Islam. The Safavid’s formed an alliance with the Europeans. Throughout the Empire there were always ongoing problems between the Sunni and Shia. These problems still continue till today.

The Mughal Empire was created by Babur, who invaded Northern India and defeated Delhi Sultanate. This empire was able to unite almost the entire subcontinent. Akbar, who was Babur’s grandson, was able to bring India’s government together under a policy that was made up of religious toleration. He got rid of taxes on Hindu’s and attempted to stop performances of the sati. Under the rule of many great leaders, for almost 100 years the Hindu’s and Muslims lived together, peacefully.

--Alyssa Gainey
period 4

Marklipari said...

the ottomans controlled most of modern-day turkey, and eventually invaded constantinople, officially ending the byzantine empire. the ottomans renamed constantinople istanbul, which is its current name today. in time, the ottomans spread to a size closely mtching that of the roman empire. the expanded the islmaic religion, but did little to influence western europe.

the safavids were another great 'gunpowder' empire. they were based on military conquests. the safavids were shia islam.

the mughal was another very important gunpowder empire. they had controlled a large amount of the indian subcontinent, the most ever controlled at once. akbar, a mughal leader, allowed both hinduism and islamic religions to be practiced openly. this lead to a golden age, and many great developments, such as the building of the taj mahal.

--mark lipari, pd 4--

Hubbs said...

The Gunpowder Empires were The Ottomans, The Safavids, and the Mughal.

The Ottomans were founded by Osman Bey of the Turks. In 1453, they took over Constantinople and put an end to the Byzantine Empire, and then renamed it to Istanbul and made it their new capital. The Ottomans were a very huge empire (rivaling that of the Roman Empire) and conquered many lands, spreading from Greece to Persia. They were harsh rulers, enslaving young Christian boys and making them Janissaries. They tried to take over Western Europe, but could not get any father then Vienna. The Ottoman Empire lasted until 1922.

The Safavids were rivals with the Ottoman Empire. However, they were more focused on their military conquests. They resided in modern day Iran. Most of the empire was dominated by Shia Islam, which constantly caused problems between the Shia and the Sunni.

The Mughal Empire was a very religiously tolerant Empire, under Akbar's rule. He let Hinduism and Islam be practiced freely throughout the empire and united most of the subcontinent. Under Akbar's rule, many positive accomplishments had be done, including giving women more rights (and getting rid of sati), the building of the Taj Mahal, and he also eliminated the tax on Hindu's. However, once Akbar's grandson, Shah Jahan, took over, religious toleration was put to a stop and the Muslims and Hindus were separated once again.

period 4

Anonymous said...
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Hubbs said...

There were 3 different Gunpowder Empires. One of the empires was known as the Ottoman empire. The Ottomans were founded by Osman Bay, and they were also known as the turks. This was a very large empire, it stretched from Greece to Persia. They had even tried to conquer wester Europe, but never made it past Vienna. The second gunpowder empire was the safavids. The safavids main concern was a strong military. They were located in what is now today modern Iran. They are not famous for much, but are considered a gunpowder empire. The last gunpowder empire was the Mughal empire. The Mughal empire was lead by Akbar. Under his rule Hinduism and Islam were practiced openly in the state. The taj mahal was also built under the Mughals. After Akbar died, and his grandson,Shah Jahan took over, religious tolerance was ended between Islamics and Hindus.

Chris Barrett

Nicole Paloscio said...

Their were 4 main gunpower empires. These empires were the Ming, the Ottoman, the Mughal, and the Safavids. One important achievement from the Ming empire was the fact that chinese traditions became more valued, and they rebuilt a strong goverment. The Ottoman empire started the beginning of being religiously tolerant, and it made the Instanbul. The Mughal empire was very signifigant because it was where the Taj Mahal was built. The Mughal empires had sultans which was a ruler who had to be religiously tolerant. The Safavid empire was signifigant because it reformed the civilians aspects of life.

-Nicole Paloscio
Period 5 (:

thamodi said...

the gunpowder empires were the ottomans, the mughal, and the safavids.
in the 1450's, the ottomans also known as the turks had made one of the largest empires by dominating many lands. constantinople was destroyed and was made the new capital of the ottamans called istanbul. during the time of the protestant reformation, the ottamans took a chance at western europe but did not succeed.
the safavids located in modern day iran didn't do many things in history but they were mostly definitely known as a gunpowder state.
the mughal empire was ruled by akbar who is religiously tolerant. under his rule he had built the taj mahal which todayh is one of the seven wonders in the world. once after his grandson took over, religious tolerance was ended and hindus were prosecuted.

Hubbs said...

Ottaman Empire

Was one of the worlds most significant empires. In it's existence it expanded Islam and at the same time it kept Europe in a staedy state of movement. As s result, it permitted powers of Western eirope to rule, and as they started to explore the oceans they were able to go around their neighbors in the east which allowed them to trade directly with India, China, and their American colonies.

Safavid Empire

They were the Ottomans chief enemies, located to their east of them. The Safavid empire was mainly comprised of military conquest and was mainly comprised of militaryconquest and was dominatedby shia Islam. it's location caused many problems because it was located between the ottomans and mughals. This resulted in disagreements with the Muslim states, alliances with Europeans against the ottomans and a continuance of the ongoing problems between the Sunni and Shia sects.

Mughal Empire

Dominated thr Indian subcontinent for 300 years. In it's first 150 years it united nearly the entire subcontinent. Akbar unified much of India by governing under a policy of religious to lertaion. Hindiusm and Islam were allowed he practiced openly. After Akbar two things changed India forever. religious toleration ended. The second was the arrival of europeans. The Portuguese
and British were fighting each other for the Indian Ocean trade routes . At first the portuguese established trade with the city of Goas. In 1691, the british east India Company has much control of trade in Bombay also, the British dominated trade in thr region and founded the city of calcutter as a trading outpost. The Mughald, werte annoyed with the Europeans, but allowed it.

Caitlin Caggino period 7