Monday, March 24, 2008

The Reign of Terror pg 225

Sum up Robespierre's rule during his Reign of Terror.


Anonymous said...
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Hubbs said...

Prussia and Austria started to worry that foreign threats and internal chaos would quickly lead to its end. So they created the Committee of Public Safety, led by Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins. The committee was responsible for beheading thousands of French citizens. They were able to control anarchy and build a strong national military. After two years the French put Robespierre on the guillotine and beheaded him. France reorganized itself and in 1795 wrote a new constitution and made a new five-man government called the Directory.

- Alyssa Olivo

Hubbs said...

Prussia and Russia were just two of the many countries that were worried that threats and chaos would occur. In the result of that, the Committee of public Safety was created. This committee was to put a stop to any anti-revolitionary situtations. The committee was led by Maximilien Robspierre. However, this Committee was anything but safe. This was responsible for tens of thounsand French citizens being killed by the Guillotine. This had caused chaos all over France. Finally, the French were done with Robespierre and put his head on the Guillotine. He was the last person to be killed on the Guillotine in the Reign Of Terror. After this a new government had taken over. Which was, a five-man goverment called the Directory.

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

After Prussia and Austria had become worried of any foriegn threats and internal chaos, they called in Great Britain and Spain for help. Soon, Robespierre and the Jacobins had begun and led the Committee of Public Safety. This group would kill anyone who was suspected of anti-revolutionary tendencies. Although the commitees name included the title of "public safety" their purpose was the complete opposite. Many French citizens had been killed due to suspicion. Soon, France finally took care of this issue by killing Robespierre on the guillotine and creating a new constitution and five-man government called the Directory.

Jacqueline Perez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

Prussia and Austria was fearful that there would be foreign threats, so they created the Committee of Public Safety, which was a powerful enforcer of revolution. Many French citizens who were suspeceted being against the revolution were beheaded. This Committee was led by Maximilien Robespierre and the Jacobins. It was successful in creating strong national military. But, in 2 years Robespierre was beheaded by the French. In 1795, new consitution was written and the Directory was created.

Vlad Shrayman
Period 4

Hubbs said...

Prussia and Austria were worried about foreign threats so they threw away the COnstitution and created the Commitee of Public Safety. It enforced the punishment and death of anyone who was suspected of anti-revolutionary tendencies. Robespierre was the leredr of the COmmitee.But it was responsible for the beheading of thousands of French citizens. the Comitte brought France alot of strenght and good things, but after two year they became tired of the blood baths.Therefore France beheaded Robespierre. They wrote a new constitution in 1795 and established the Directory.

Nicole Kwoka

Anonymous said...

France's constitution was thrown out and replaced with the committee of Public Safety. Maximilien Robespierre led the Committee of Public Safety. He was responsible for the beheading of tens of thousands of French citizens. Although they were able to control the anarchy and building a strong national military to defend France, France had enough of Robespierre. They ended the Reign of Terror that he started with his own beheading. France then reorganized itself, with a new constitution, and a new government called the Directory.

Period 4

Hubbs said...
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Hubbs said...

Prussia and Austria began getting worried about forrgin threat and internal chaos occuring.So, they threw out the constitution and created the Committee of Public Safety. This committee enforced death to the people who were agianst revoultion. The committee was led by Maximilien Robespierre and Jacobins.Coincidentally this committee was not safe at all. Robespeirre was a great military leader and was able to control the anarchy. France began to get tired of Robespeirre and hunted him down and put his head on the guillotine. France created a new constitution with a five man givernment called a Directory.
Deanna Mohamed
Period 7

Hubbs said...

The Reign of Terror was the second phase of the French revolution. It started when Prussia and Austria became concerned with foreign threats and the overall condition of their governments so they created the Committee of Public Safety. This was a revolutionary step led by Maximilien Robespierre and a radical group called the Jacobins. This committee killed all poeople who were suspected of being anti-revolutionary, or against the revolution. It's name was a complete contradiction to its real purpose which included beheading tens of thousands of French citizens. The committee however controlled anarchy and built a strong national military to protect it from invaders. Robespierre was killed after two years of rule because of his corruption. France wrote a new constitution in 1795, and established a the Directory. this was a five-man government which was the third phase of the French Revolution.


Nicole Paloscio said...

Prussia and Austria began to worr about foreign threats so they decided to create the Committee of public safety. This committee enforced death on people who went against the revolution. The committee was led by Robespierre and Jacobins. The committee was successful at controling anarchy, but too many countries started to invade France. After 2 years the people of France had enough and ended the committee of public safety. After this France established a new 5 man goverment called the directory.

-Nicole Paloscio
Period 5 (:

Nicole Spodek said...

The Convention threw out the constituion and replaced it with the Committee of Public Safety, which encouraged the revolution and murdered anyone that may have ben against the revoltuion. It was led by Robespierre and the Jacobins (radicals). They beheaded tens of thousands of French citizens. The Committee controlled the anarchy and conjured up a strong military in order to defend themselves against the rising number of countries that were invading France. Eventually, the French gave Robespierre a taste of his own medicine, beheading him, and they wrote a new constitution in 1795.

Hubbs said...

Robespierre and the Jacobins led the committee of Public Safety. This committee was responsible for beheading tens of thousands of French citizens. The committee was successful at maintaining an anarchy and building a strong military, which defended France against invading countries. After 2 years, the French were fed up with Robespierre's witch hunt so they put his head on the guillotine.

Caitlin caggino period 7

Hubbs said...

Prussia and Austria began to get worried about foreign threats. They agreed and came up wiht the Committe of Public Saftey. This committee was able to enforced death on people who went against the revolution. This committe was led by Robespierre and Jacobins. It became very successful at controling anarchy, but France was having too many different invasions from different countries. After 2 years of difficulty in France, the people believe it is time to end the Committee of Public Safety. After this France was able to create a new 5 man goverment. It was became known as a directory.

Alyssa Gainey
Period 5 :]