Thursday, March 13, 2008

Compare the Fall of Han, Rome and the Gupta

There is a chart on page 115, compare and contrast the fall of these empires.


Hubbs said...

Fall of the Han China, the Gupta Empire, and Rome

- Han China, the Gupta Empire and Rome fell for similar reasons all around different years. Western Rome fell 476. CE, Gupta fell in 550 CE and Han China fell 220 CE.

All three empires experienced problems with taxes. Rome had tax revolts. Upper class and church were exempted from taxes. Han China's officals were also exempted from texes. It was difficult to collect taxes from peasants because they were poor. The Gupta did not have enough money for military defense so they taxed.

In Rome 25 to 26 emperors died within a 50 year span. They had no one ruler to keep Rome structured long enough. Han China's officals were corrupt.

All three empires experienced land divisions which weakened it. Western Rome was divded from the other half, the West was the weak part. The Gupta Empire had land divisions were increased power of officals but was bad for the peasants. China was unable to control their large estates.

The three empires also experienced invasions which also led to there collapse. Rome also fell due to invasion of Goths and Huns. Gupta fell to invasions of the White Huns and Han China also fell due to invasions with Xiognu nomads.

- Alyssa Olivo

Hubbs said...
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Hubbs said...

The Roman Empire, The Gupta Empire, and the Han Dynasty all fell due to smiliar causes. Each of them experianced tax problems and divisions of land. They were all attacked and invaded by nomadic tribes. The Hans by the Xiongnu, the Gupta by the Huns and the Romans by the Goth and Huns. Other reasons Western Rome and the Han dynsaty declined was the huge increase in population and the corrpution of the new emperors and leaders in both empires.

-Faten Odeh

Hubbs said...

There are many causes of why an empire would decline. An empire could decline from Internally, for example: economic troubles. Another way an empire can fall is by externally, an example of that would be, invaders.

The fall of these empires were:
Rome: 476 C.E
Gupta: 550 C.E
Han Dynasty, China: 220 C.E

These empires had fallen for the same reasons. One of these reasons would have to be that taxes were rising for the civilians who lived there. It was hard for peasants to pay taxes, and the church in western Europe was even asking for taxes. These lands had also fallen because of of the division of lands. The division of lands would cause these empires to become weaker and they would be harder to control. Invaders also attacked these empires, for example: The Goths and Huns invading the Empire of Rome and the nomadic Xiongnu invading in China. Trade was decreasing and population also increased. Which meant very little land and merchandise for each family. All of these empires had fallen at different times, but were declinded because of the same issues.

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

The Fall of the Han, Rome and Gupta empires were similar in many ways. One way the fall of their empires were similar is that they all had tax problems. The Roman Empire, which fell in 476 CE, had tax revolts from the upper class and the church was exempted from taxes. The Han China Empire, which lasted up until 220 CE, was similar to this because the officials were also exempt from taxes. Meanwhile, the Gupta Empire, which fell in 550 CE, was experiencin a lack of taxes for the military. Another similarity these three fallen empires held was divisions in land. In the Roman Empire, the land was divided which caused the west half to weaken. In the Gupta Empire, the land divisions caused the power of provincial officials to increase. In the Han China empire, the large estate owners were unable to control. Invasions were also a big part of all their falls. The Roman empire experienced invasions by the Goths and the Huns which made the empire become weak considering they were unable to defend themselves from these invasions. The Gupta Empire also experienced an invasion by the White Huns while the Han China empire had an invasion from the nomadic Xiongnu.
Although the three empires fell due to many similarities, they also had their own reasons to fall. For example, the Roman Empire had a significant trade decrese which made their economy fall. The Han China empire also had a problem when it came to land due to population increase and land shortages for families. Their court officials also became corrupt leading their empire to a further downfall.

Jacqueline Perez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

Chamodi Rajapakse

Han, Rome and the Gupta empire all fell for similar reasons even though they lived in different ages and nations apart. They all experienced similar problems. They were having revolts, high taxes and due to corrupt and unsuccessful rulers. Their failure to keep the nations as one resulted in war and later the fall of each of these great nations.

Hubbs said...

The Han, Gupta and Roman Empire all fell in a similar matter, because if real similar reasons.
All had tax problems. Rome had tax revolts because their upper class officals did not have to pay tax. the same went for han's officials. And as for gupta, they had to tax for military defense.
The officials/rulers of all three empires were corrupt or just downright "sucky". They messed up the empires and helped put them on the path of collapse.
Land divisons occurred in all thre empires as well. The probelm with spliting land is that it weakens the empire. There were too many problems that were caused.
Another factor that helped to weaken all three empires was the fact taht they were all invaded by forgein invadors. Invadors are hard to run off in the firts place but between the inner empire probelams such as tax, bad rulers and divisons of land, it was likely to be almost too easy for the invadors.
Therefore, the Han, Gupta, and Roman Empire fell.

Nicole Kwoka.

Hubbs said...


Han , Rome and the Gupta Empire fell for similar reasons. These reasons were caused internally and externally.Internally these 3 empires taxes effect them. People revolted and rebelled against the tax. Rome and the Han Also had weak and corrupt rulers which affected their society.They were all effected externally due to invasion of Barbaric groups.

Hubbs said...

The decline of dynasties are usually caused by the same general reasons. An example of this would be the falls of Western Rome,The Gupta Dynasty and The Han Dynasty in China. All of these three great empire fell dues to similar reasons.
The first crucial reason for their decline was tax problems. In both Rome and Han China, taxes were not collected from the rich, government officials and clergy, therefore the poor had to pay for the taxes which was virtually impossible since they had no money. The Gupta dynasty also highered taxes in hope of building up a strong military.

Bot Rome and the Han also experienced a corrupt government. The Han Dynasty had foul court officials while a massive amound of the Roman emperors where violently assassinated.

The size of the empires had great affects on their declines as well. As the empires got bigger they would not be controlled, like the Han empire. Others like The Gupta and Rome tried to overcome this problem by dividing the land into different states which eventually led to its downfall because these separate estates began to have conflict between each other.

Invasions had also been great factors leading up to the collapse of these great societies. The Han were the great invaders of both Than Gupta and the Roman Empire. Other tribes like the Xing-nu invaded Han Chila which made the empire crumble.

Fall of Rome: 476 CE
Fall of Gupta: 550 CE
Fall of Han: 220 CE


thamodi said...

the han, western rome and gupta fell for similar reasons. they fell mostly because of high taxes which led to revolts, land divisions, and also because of invasions. decrease in trade led to a weak economy, and increases of populations led to less land for families and too much land made it extremely hard to control the estate owners. all these reasons and corrupt leaders led to the fall of the hun, gupta and rome.
thamodi rajapakse

Nicole Paloscio said...

The fall of Han China, Rome, and the Gupta Empire all declinded for similar reasons.

Two main causes were internal and external problems. Internal problems consisted of economic depression, social unrest, and natural catastrophes. External problems consisted of invading armies.

All three empires had problems with taxes because of inconsistent tax collections as well as unfair taxing due to corruption of poltical officals. Large borders led to these empires having the inability to maintain their own empires. This led to invasions by other countries.

Nicole Paloscio
Period 5 (:

Hubbs said...

The Roman Empire, The Gupta Empire, and the Han Dynasty all fell because of similar reasons. They all had internal and external reasons to the fall of their empires. Internal problems were high taxes and divisions of their land. Externally they fell because of invasions from barbaric tribes. As do all weakening empires have a succession of weak and corrupt rulers, which also led to the fall of these empires and dynasty.

Deanna Mohamed
Period 7

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Hubbs said...

The Han, Rome and Gupta empires all fell due to similiar reasons. First, each empire had problems with taxes.In Rome and Han, the upper class made themselves exempt from taxes leaving a heavy burden on the peasants. In the Gupta empire there wasnt enough taxes to pay for the millitary.
For the Han and Roman Empires, many bad high officials caused a downfall. In Rome 25 of 26 emperors were killed in a 50 year span. In the Han empire there was corruption of the courts.
All the Empires faced problems with controlling there land. Rome was divided, Han couldnt controll large estates and Gupta has land divisions.
Another influence of each of there downfalls and probably the worst problem was barbaric tribes that came into the empires and destroyed them.
James Thaon Period 7

Hubbs said...

Han, Rome, and Gupta Empires fell for very similar reason, but around different years. The Roman Empire fell in 476 CE, the Gupta Empire fell in 550 CE and the Han Empire fell in 220 CE. All three empires had problems with there taxes. Rome had tax revolts, Gupta dod not have enough taxes for military defense and Han exempted officals from taxes and had problems collecting them from the peasants. In Rome, trade declined which did not help the economy, and Han had a population increase which decreased the amount of land per family. In Rome 25 to 26 emperors died in a 50 year time span and the Han had corrupt court officals. In Rome, the division of the empir weakened the western half, in Gupta land divisions increased the pover of provincial officals, and in Han they were unable to control large estate owners. Finally Rome was unable to defend itself aganist invasions from the Goths and Huns, Gupta was unable to defend itself aganist invaisons from the White Huns, and Han was always having conflicts with the nomadic Xiongnu who invaded after their collapse.

--alyssa gainey.

Hubbs said...

Two main problems that cause large empires to weaken and eventually collapse are internal and external issues that rules either ignore or create. Overtaxing the people or exempting certain social classes or groups lead to revolts and rebellions., In Western Rome and Han China, officials are exempt from taxes. The Gupta Empire was left without enough money to support their military defenses. In Western Europe, tax revolts led to a decrease in trade. They also weakened their empire by dividing their land which led to invasions of Goths and Huns where they were unable to defend themselves. Unlike Western Rome, the divisions of the land in Gupta increased power of provincial officers. But like Rome, they were unable to defend themselves against invasions, by the White Huns. The Han Dynasty of China had a population increase which led to less land per family. They were unable to control large estate owners because there were corrupted court officials. There was constant conflict with the nomadic Xiong-nu who invaded after the collapse of the Han.

Period 4

Nicole Spodek said...

-Western Rome, the Gupta, and Han China's demises had certain resemblances between them. Western Rome fell in 476 C.E., Gupta fell in 550 C.E., and Han China fell in 220 C.E.
-Taxes would encourage the fall of each empire. In Rome, the upper class revolted against taxes and the church didn't need to pay taxes. Similar to the church, officials in China didn't have to pay taxes and the peasants were reluctant to pay their dues. In Gupta, there wasn't enough money from taxes to support the military.
-The economy in both Rome and China was low. Rome saw a decrease in trade, while China had to decrease the land divisions between families because of the population increase.
-In Rome 25 of 26 emperors died over the course of 50 years. Similarly in China, the cout officials were corrupted. This had a negative effect on both empires.
-In each of the empires, land division acted as a factor to their disintegration. Rome's western half was weakened by the division of the empire. China was unable to control large estate owners. Land divisions in Gupta, on the other hand, increased the power of officials. This wasn't good for the lower classes though.
-After Rome, Gupta, and China were invaded, decline ensued. Rome wasn't able to defend themselves against the Goths and Huns, Gupta also couldn't fend off the Huns. China wasn't invaded by the Huns, but they were invaded by Xiongnu.

Hubbs said...

Western Rome 476 C.E.
- taxe revolt by upper class and church exempt from taxes.
- decrease in trade which the economy depended on.
- in a a fifty year span 25 of 26 emperors died violently.
- the division of the empire helped to weaken the western half.
- they were unable to defend themselves against the migratory invasions of the Goths and Huns.

Gupta 550 C.E.
- did not have enough taxes to pay for military defense.
- divisions in land helped to increase power of provincial officials.
- they were unable to defend the white Hun invasions.

Han China 220 C.E.
- the officials were exempt from paying taxes and it was very difficult to collect taxes from the peasant population.
- as the population increased there was less land per family available.
- they had no control over large estate owners.
- they were at constant battle with the nomadic Xiong-nu who invaded them after the collapse.

Caitlin Caggino period 7

peterparker - Servant of BHAGWAN PARASHURAMA said...

Gupta empire was highly corrupt. Today, whatever we see in India is gupta empire version 2.