Monday, March 24, 2008

The French Revolution 223-224

Sum up the reasons that France turned toward revolution in 1789.


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Hubbs said...

Money was a huge reason the French Revolution began. The wars of France were costly putting France into debt. The king was also spending more and more money. King Louis needed to raise taxes, he called on the Estates General for money and help. France was broken up into three estates. The third estate (merchants, peasants, etc.) paid all the taxes. The third estate wanted more freedom but the other estates said no. So on June 17, 1789 they declared themselves the National Assembly. King Louis got nervous and was going to write a new constitution. It was to late and the third estate rioted and attacked the Bastille. The Declaration of the Rights of Man was created to recognize natural rights, freedom, equality and rule of law. The fuedal system was also abolished.

- Alyssa Olivo

Hubbs said...

France began turning towards war due to many factors. A major factor however, dealt with money. The Versailles Palace and wars had been very costly and people were paying for it with high taxes put on by Louis XIV. These high taxes were only affecting the Third Estate, which was made up by the greater population of France. The First and Second Estates weren't affected due to the fact that they didn't have to pay these high taxes. Soon, the Third Estate formed into what was called the National Assembly. The group of peasants were tired of their mistreatment and stormed into the Bastille on July 14, 1789. This launched off their attacks towards nobility and feudal institutions. Later on The Declaration of the Rights of Man was made which was about the ideas of freedom, equality and rule of law. The French Revolution also turned France into a nation-state. It also gave them a new constitution which was ratified by non other than the National Assembly in 1791.

Jacqueline Perez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

Money was the major factor that King Louis XVI had to take care of. Being in debt of course was caused France by being in every war that was going on in Europe. So as a result of this, King Louis had a meeting of the Estates General, which were all the 3 estates. (1st=clergy, 2nd=noble family 3=peasants, middle class,etc). The decision was o raise the taxes, but just on the 3rd estate. Finally the 3rd estate had enough of King Louis not supporting them and not giving them what they wanted. They began revolts all over France. They ahd called themselves the National Assembly. One of there famous revolts, was when they stormed into Bastille (a prison). They had set free prisoners and were growing restless. They had created the Declaration of the Rights of Man, and sent it all over France. They wanted the heavy taxes to be liberated from them. Quickly after all the revolts, the French citizens got what they wanted. They no longer had a monarch, but now a republic. The taxes were liberated from them and the roayl family was beheaded at once.

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

The French Revolution was a major turning point in French history. It began because of the massive debt that the palace of Versailles, and the many wars that france was engaged in. In order to pay off this debt French king Louis XVI was forced to raise taxes. Unfortunately the 3rd estate or the peasants which represented 95% of the population was taxed the most. After being denied more freedoms and less tax by the Estates General the Third Estate formed the National Assembly and took controll of the situation. They stormed a prison known as the bastille and took control of the situation. They got rid of Louis and made their own new constitution.
James Thaon Period 7

Hubbs said...

Money was a huge factor that had to be takemn care of by King Louis XVI. The debt he was due to all of the wars Frace had been involved in. As a result, King Louis had a meeting of the Estates General, all three estates.1- Clergy, 2- Nobles, 3- Peasents. The decision was to raise taxes, but just on the third estate. The third estte had enough and began revolts all over France. They called themselves the National Assembly.One famous revolt was the Storming of the Bastille. They set free prisoners. They created a Declaration of the Rights of Manm and sent it all over France. They wanted heavy taexs to be liberated from them, After all the rvolts, the peasants got what they wanted. They no longer hada monarch, but a republic. The royal family was beheaded due to all of the problems.
Nicole Kwoka

Anonymous said...

France was separated into three estates - the first estate was made up of the clergy, and some high ranking and wealthy families; second estate consisted of noble families. The third estate was comprised of everyone else who didn't belong in the first two categories. Third estate was always overruled by the first two estates, and were shut out of the new constitution drafted by the first two estates. On June 17, 1789m the third estate declared themselves the National Assembly. The King became nervous and with this, the peasants stormed the Bastille on July 14, 1789. This spread and soon peasants were attacking nobility and feudal institutions. the Declaration of the Rights of Man was drafted that recognized natural rights (jean-Jacques Rousseau). it spread among Europe, furthering the ideas of freedom, equality, and rule of law. The National Assembly ratified a new constitution in 1791. It stated that the king had executive power. In another words, France was a constitutional monarchy, rather than a constitutional democracy.

Period 4

Hubbs said...

The French Revolution began because of all of France’s debt. Some of these debts were due to the wars and the building of the Palace of Versailles. Due to France’s major debt led to high taxation of people of the lower estate which was known as the Third Estate. In this estate including doctors, merchants, and lawyers, this was more than 95 percent of the population. The people were tired of paying high taxes and tried to get more freedoms and fewer taxes put upon them. After being denied of this they declared themselves the National Assembly. The king became nervous and told the other two estates to join in and write a new constitution, however this was too little too late and the National Assembly stormed the Bastille. They began attacking the nobles, the National Assembly created what is known as The Declaration of the Rights of Man. This declaration recognized natural rights. This was inspired by the Enlightenment. This cause the constitutional democracy to become a constitutional monarchy.
Deanna Moahmed
Period 7

Nicole Paloscio said...

There were many causes that led up to the french revolution. One of the most important reasons was that France was bakrupt. The wars that Louis the 14th led caused severe debts. France's society was divided into 3 estates. The first estate was made up of the clergy. The second estate was made up of rhe nobles. The third estate was made up of peasents,middle class, bourgeoise, artisans, and merchants.The third estate was left to pay the rest of the taxes. The third estate got lower pay and they had to pay higher prices for items, and materials they needed. These lower pays caused women to not be able to feed their families. The women led the march on Paris.

-Nicole Paloscio
Period 5 (:

Hubbs said...

France was in major dept after all of its wars by Louis XIV, including The War of Spanish Succession and The Seven Year's War. France was also suffering because droughts were damaging harvests. To help France, King Louis XVI called a meeting of the Estates general in an attempt to raise taxes. Society was broken up into three estates. The first estate included clergy, second estate: noble families, and third estate: everyone else(peasants, farmers, bourgeoisie, merchants). 95% of population were in the third estate and only the they were forced to pay taxes. This angered them. They declared themselves the National Assembly. When Louis decided to write a new constitution, it was too late because the third estate started the revolution with the storming of the Bastille. This happened on July 14, 1789. France became an anarchy. The National Assembly adopted The Declaration of The Rights of Man which recognized the rights of all people. It was based on he ideas of the Enlightenment. It abolished the feudal system and altered the monopoly of the Catholic Church by declaring freedom of worship.


Nicole Spodek said...

France was in major debt before the Revolution. France was involved in the War of Spanish Succession, the Seven Years' War, and the American Revolution, which added to their debt. Louis XVI needed to raise taxes, so he rounded up the Estates General. There were three estates. The First estate was made up of clergy (some wealthy, some poor), the second was made up of noble families and the third was comprised of peasants, the bourgeoisie, and merchants. 95% of the population was part of the third estate, yet they had little political power. Both the second and third estates wanted freedom, yet the third estate desired more. The parliment, didn't want to unify the estates, as the third estate did, so the estates met separately. The third estate, however, declared themselves the Natioin assembly on June 17th, 1789. The king tried to conjoin the other two estates with the third, but he was too late. The peasants stormed the Bastille on July 14th, 1789. Anarchy spread throughout the countryside and peasants rebelled against nobility. In August the National Assembly adopted the Declaration of the Rights of Man, which they copied and distributed across Europe. They wanted to spread the ideas of equality. The feudal system was eradticated and France became a nation-state.

Hubbs said...

Some of the reasons France turned toward in 1789, was that, France, had many war debts. It was involved in every major war in both Europe and abroad. Louis XVI, needed to raise taxes, to compensate for this; so he called a meeting of the Estates General, which hadn't met in 175 years. French society was divided into 3 estates. The first was made up of clergy. The second was made up of noble families. The third estate was made up of every one else. peasant farmers, small business owners, and merchants. The third estate was the largest and always suspicious of the nobility and wanted greater freedom. They wanted the Estates General to meet as a unified body; but was rejected. Angry that they might be shut out of the new constitution by the other 2 Estates, they declared themselves the National Assembly on June 17, 1789. This caused concern and the King forced the other 2 estates to join them to devise a new constitution. It was too late because the peasants throughout the country were getting weary and were concerned the the King would not agree to their reforms. As a result, they stormed Bastille, a large prison, on July 14, 1789, and anarchy swept across the country and the peasants attacked nobility and feudal institutions. The French Revolution established the nation - state not the King or the people, as the primary sources of all soverignty or political authority.

Caitlin Caggino period 7

Hubbs said...

There are many reasons why france turned to a revolution. One very important reasons was that France was going bankrupt. Louis XIV led many differnt wars that put France into severe debt. France was also divided into three different estates. The first estate was made up of clergy. The second estate was made up of nobles. The third estate was made up of peasents, middle class, bourgeoise, artisans, and merchants. The third estate was the only estate that had to pay taxes. The third estate got paid lower for their labor, than the second and first estate did. They were also forced to pay higher prices for different things they needed. These shortages of pay caused woman to get upset, because they were not able to feed their family.

Alyssa Gainey
period 5 :]