Women has been a topic the test has been avoiding and you all must be prepared to discuss the roles of women in different times and areas.
Focus on these pages and try to list and discuss changes and continuities between certain areas.
Pages 126, 135, 148, 165, 202
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As time increased and people began to settle down women's roles in society became limited. They mainly managed the household and cared for children. Early civilizations were mainly patriarchal a women's freedom depended on social status and class. Religion also impacted women's roles. For example in Buddhism and Christianity women were considered equal and could achieve salvation or nirvana. Hinduism and Confucianism was more restricted.
In Ancient Roman/Greece women's status was strict and based on social divisions. They could own no land, only the upper classes were literate. Spartan women were considered citizens. Women could own businesses.
In Ancient India there was a strict patriarchal caste system. Women could not inherit property. They were forbidden to read sacred texts such as the Veds. They could not remarry (even performed the act of sati) and they could not achieve moksha. Which is the state of being in perfect internal peace.
In Ancient China there was a strict Confucian social order and guidelines for behavior. Only sons could inherit property or money. Only upper class women were educated. Arranged marriages were permitted.
During the Tang Dynasty Wu Zhao became the first and only Empress of China. Still Chinese women were inferior, it was still a highly patriarchal society. Foot binding became a widespread practice during the Song Dynasty. A woman's feet was broken and bound back to keep it small. This practice lasted for centuries.
In Arabia women did not have property or inheritance rights, Women were viewed as property. Baby girls were seen less valuable as boys and were sometimes killed. The Quran (the book of Islam) changed this. Women still were considered lower to men. They did get legal rights and were considered equal before Allah. The killing of girl infants was also stopped. Over time Islamic society became more structured and patriarchal. Still women were still protected and given rights under the Quran.
Changes in the status and role of women began to change. In Confucian cultures of China and Japan women became highly literate. The women still had less power then the males of their societies.
In Europe the societies were strict and patriarchal. Women could inherit land but the property still belonged to their husbands. They could participate in court cases but could not make a decision. They also practiced Christian monogamy. Education was limited to the upper class males and the upper class women were veiled.
In Islam because of the Quran (as state above) women and men were equal in religion but separate in mosque. They were now able receive half inheritance of male children. Women were also veiled in public.
In India they had a strict patriarchal caste system. There was child marriages, sati was practice. You were born into your position (caste class) and could not marry a different caste. Education was still limited and women were also veiled.
In China their was strict Confucian social order and guidelines to live by still. (In Ancient Chinese socities it was like this also). Women could own businesses, silk weaving was the female occupation. Education was still limited and foot-binding was practiced.
Around the 1400s women's roles began to change. Most women shared power with their husbands. Examples are: Elizabeth I, Isabella of Spain and Nur Jahan of India. Cultures were now mixed due to exploration. Racial classes determined your status or social class in a society. Education was in almost all classes. In some places it was still male dominated. Men even began to take women jobs.
- Alyssa Olivo
(ok tht comment on top of mine if just o.d. its HUGE, she's def passing this test)
Women's status in ancient societies such as Rome, Greece, China and India were very strict. They were socially divided and had no rights (Sparta was the exception, they allowed women to be citizens). Women were not allowed to inherit property in Inida and were forbidden to read sacred books. You were not allowed to remarry if you were a widow and they could not achieve moksha. In China, women's also did not inherit anything. However they were educated and widows were allowed to remarry. In Rome/Greece women had little land ownership and had high literacy. They were allowed to own businesses and could be nuns.
In Arabia, women had no property, or rights. In fact they were viewed as property of men. baby girls were seen less valuable then baby boys. Female infanticide became common. As Islam emerged, the status of women changed drastically. Women were given legal rights and were considered equal before Allah. If a man divorced a women he would have to give her her dowry back. Infanticide was stricly forbidden and women gained considerable influence within the home.
In China, Chinese women were seen inferior to men. Although Wu Zhao, the empress of China was an able ruler who was both ruthless and compassionate, many women were never able to gain that kind of power. Many women were forced to do foot binding in order to keep their feet small because large feet were considered ugly and masculine.
Changes occurred in women's status in Ancient Societies such as Europe, Islam, India and China due to the spread of Islam, Christianity, and Buddhism. In Europe, women could inherit lands but property belonged to husband. Upper class women were to be veiled and education became limited to upper class males. However a women was able to bring a case to court. In Islam, women were equal to men but they were seperated in mosques. They recieved half inheritance of male children and were veiled in public to protect them from. They were a literate society. In India, women were bound to their caste system. They had child marriages and had to practice sati. They're education was limited and were veiled and secluded. Women in China were under strict Confucial order. They had to practice foot binding and widows were to remain with sons. They had no property if they remarried and were allowed to own businesses.
As the 1400s came, women's status improved. Some powerful women toook charge of very powerful empires such as Elizabeth I of England, Isabella of Spain, and Nur Jahan of the Muhgal Empire. Cultures were now mixed and almost everyone was educated. Society took a major change in women's status.
-Faten Odeh
Womens roles had changed over time. Starting with the ancient societies in Rome/Greece, India, and China. In these early times, women were not aloud to inherit property or own property, some were not allowed to read ( depended on their social class. Women of high power could perform in literacy). Only women in Sparta could become citizens. They were to follow guidelines as well. In religion, Rome and Greece women were allowed to become nuns or priestesses, while in India women could not achieve moshka. Then in china, where was a balance between men and female.
Arabian women did not have any rights and could not own property in the past. In the beginning of their time, women were seen as property of men. Then as time went on, they began to have more dignity after the Koran was established. They had some legal rights and she was able to get back her dowry, after she had divorced her husband. Still women were controlled by men and had to only be faithful to one man while men could be with multiple women. Women had to wear veils.
In China during the Tang Dynasty, a women's beauty and femininity were to be protected. They also had to go through foot binding, where a woman's foot was to be bound at a young age. It was to keep a woman's feet small, because big feat on women was considered ugly and too masculine. This act was not only painful but crippling too.
Women's Status in Ancient Societies such as Europe, Islam, India, And China were in some way the same. In these civilizations they could inherit very little land from male children of husband. They also had to be marries off at a young age. Women in India had to perform sati, which meant that she had to be burned alive over her husband's resting place. Women's testimonies were less weighed than Men's. Women couldn't do many occupations. Mostly silk weaving, or doing family labor. In many areas women had to be in veiling in public or kept in seclusion. In china, foot-binding was taking place. Literacy was limited to women also.
As time went on the role of women increased tremedously. They began to rule over land and share spower with their husbands. Women could inherit property from their husbands and had few rights in legal issues. Widowed women and elder women were treated with respect as well. After the Elightenment and Renaissance, younger girls could now have education.
Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7
Womens status was always low in the man dominant societies, Their powers were limited and were mainly child bearers. Religions gave freedom but at the same time restricted a womens rights. Buddhism and Christianity gave women freedom while religions like Hinduism just restricted them even further.
Just as relegion based a womens status, the society they lived in also restricted a womens freedoms. In Ancient Rome and Greece, the social devisions made womens status even lower. They had almost no rights. They could not own nor inherit land. Similar to the ancient Romans and the Greeks the Indian caste system also made women have limited rights. They were forbidden to roam outside freely, read sacred books, remarry and they were never able to achieve moksha. They were forced to jump into the fire along with their dead husband. These weren't the only places that lowered a womens status. Under Confucianism in china, women lived under a strict code. Their lives were similar to the lives of other womens that lived countries away. They couldn't live a straight life by themselves as they did not have the right to own businesses or land. In some places, women were just viewed as a husbands property and baby girls were considered not as valuable as the boys.
But as time passed, Womens statues began to improve. They were no longer viewed as a mans property but one who is a single person with rights. But in the patriarchal societies they were still inferior to women.
Chamodi Rajapakse
Throughout history women were always looked at lower then men. Women were known for keeping households and being child barriers.Majority of the time there has been a patriarchy which is a society, community, or country based on men.
Eventualyy culture and religion impacted teh status of women. In the beliefs of Buddhism and Christianity, women were thouight to be equal and were allowed to achieve salvation/nirvana. In both these religions women had a choice of where they wanted to be in life allowing themselves to choose.
On the other hand, Hinduism and Confucianism were different. Women were outcasts in many religious occurrences such as praying with others.
In Arabia, women had limited or even no rights. Women were more propery then people to the men. When a man got divorced he could take her money. later, babies were prefered to be males.
During the Tang Dynasty a women named Wu Zhao became the first Empress of China.
Confucian cultures of China and Japan allowed women in society to be highly educated, yet this still did not make women equal to men.
Numerous women took power of the strongest empires. Elizabeth I of Engalnd, Isabaella of Spain, and Nur Jahan of Mughal, India.
as time changed the status of women became more limited. rome, greece, china, and india were very strict toward women. in the early ages, womens rights were low.they couldn't own property or inherit property. they were mainly child bearers, took care of children and took care of the household. they gave them very less power or no power at all. sparta however made exceptions of allowing women to be citizens, also women were allowed to own business. india had a very strict caste system which forbidden women to own property or even read sacred books. they were also not allowed to remarry. in china Confucianism believed in social order and guidelines for religion. this meant only men could own property and had arranged marriages . also only upper class women were educated, lower class women were illiterate. each of many societies and countries gave women a low status however it changes around the 1400's. women shared power with their husband and men even began to give women jobs.
As time went on women's roles in society decreased. Their main roles were to bare children and care for the household. Men were considered more valuable then women.
In Ancient Rome and Greece women could not own land, and only Spartan women were considered to be citizens. Women were granted the right to own a buisness.
In India women could not inherit property, they couldn't remarry, and they were forbidden to read sacred texts.
In China only upper class women had the ability to be educated.
In the Tang Dynasty Wu Zhao foot binding became a widespread pratice. This was done to women mainly to keep their feet smaller.
In Arabia women did not have the ability to own land. They were given the rights of the Quaran. Women however were not considered to be equal to men.
Many changes in society began to affect the worth of women. They started to have more value.
In Europe women could inherit land but it still was owned by their husbands.Education was limited.
In Islam women could only marry someone else who was in their caste.
In China women could open silk buisnesses, and they could run their own buisness.
During the 1400's women began to play a more vital role in society.
-Nicole Paloscio
PEriod 5 (:
The freedom of women usually depended on their social status and class that they were born in or married into. their culture, and their religious values also impacted their status.
In Ancient Rome/Greece, women followed in the shadows of a male dominated society. They were given some rights, given the ability to own businesses, becomes priestesses or nuns. Upper class women were literate and spartan women were citizens. They had very little land ownership. Women in Ancient India lived under a strict patriarchal caste system where they had almost no rights (like Europe). They could not inherit property, were not allowed to read, and couldn't achieve moksha. When women married, they needed a large dowry and widows were not allowed to remarry. They worked in textiles, like women in Europe did. In Ancient China, a woman's marriage was controlled by her parents. She had an arranged marriage and as a widow, she was allowed to remarry. Only the sons in the family are able to inherit property. They followed strict Confucian social order and guidelines for virtuous behavior. Like in Rome/Greece, upper class women were highly educated.
In Islam, similar to Ancient India, women could not own property and she would have to give a dowry when she married. But when the man divorced her, he would keep her dowry. The Qu'ran gave women some rights, letting them keep their dowry after a divorce and their gained influence within the home. Women had to be faithful to only one man and had to be veiled in public (adapted from Mesopotamia and Persia). Women became respected more with the Qu'ran and were protected by its rules.
Chinese women were considered inferior. During the Song Dynasty, foot binding became a popular practice among elite families. Large feet were considered masculine and ugly. China was highly patriarchal but during the T'ang Dynasty, the one and only Empress of China ruled, Wu Zhao. She was a ruthless ruler towards her adversaries and compassionate toward the peasants. Some women lived as concubines in seclusion in harems, like Islamic women.
Women in Europe could hold power. many were queens, some who shared power with their spouse. Even though they had vast amounts of power, they were still seen as property of their husbands and of lesser value than their brothers or sons. Throughout time, as people in Europe began their global explorations, the mixing of cultures was used to determine ones status or class.
Period 4
womens status becomes more limited and they lose their as people began to settle down and socieites became patriarchal, although they still kept their role as mother and took care of the household and children and their place depended on social class or status. religions also affected them through different customs. in some ancent societies like ancient greece and rome and india and china, women suffered by strict social divisions or the caste system and were not allowed to own land.
in arabia, women were viewed as property of men and female children were often unwanted or killed. as time went on, they were still subservient to men but they right began to change a little under the quran. they bagn to get more dignity and equality although they were still dominated by the male race.
in china, one of the most largest turnig points for women accured when Wu Zhao became the first empress of china. although this showed some adance, women in china were still inferior to men and even has to practice the art of foot binding in order to show their petite feet apart from a mans masculine ones.
the spread of islam, christianity, buddihism, nd new empires impacted women around the unlike the old time when women were restricted on caste or the system they belonged to and as their society rose, their roles decresed, until new religiones made it posible for them to share power in the 1400s. starting with queens and kings, women shared power with their husbands. also, educaion in europe rose for them.
After the Neolithic Revolution, women knew not of equality. As society settled down, women's main role was to tend to the children. Even though all of the early civilizations were patriarchal, women's rights altered depending on their social class. Upper class women couldn't leave their homes as easily as lower class women. Veiling of upper class women started during the Babylonian Empire, and is still used too.
Cultural and religious tenets also affected the status of women. In Buddhism and Christianity women were able to have salvation or nirvana. If they wanted to, they could devote their lives to their religions and become nuns. On the other hand, Hinduism and Confucianism gave women a more excluded lifestyle. Hindu women couldn't read the Vedas, nor could they reach moksha. Confucianism envisioned a male dominated society, despite the fact that Daoism encouraged a balance of male and female. Cofucian women were taught of behavior and morals that were expected of them.
Ancient Roman and Greece women lived in patriarchal societies where they held little land ownership, because who knows what will happen if women were able to own land! Literacy only existed among the upper class and only Spartan women were considered citizens. Women could, on the other hand, own businesses and they could become priestesses or nuns.
Women were consdiered to be owned by men in Arabia. Men kept their dowry even after the couple divorced. Female infanticide occured because of these extreme patriarchal ideals. The Quran, however, changed most of this. Women were still second to men, still submissive, yet, they were more respected, gained some legal rights, and were considered equal before Allah. Infanticide was forbidden, women gained their dowry after a divorce, and they had an influence in the outside world. This was merely a taste of freedom; men still dominated the Islamic society. They were able to have up to four wives, while women could only have one husband. Women were only given half the weight of a man's testimony, and they had to be veiled in public.
During the Tang Dynasty in China, China met their first and only Empress, Wu Zhao. She contained the perfect balance of harshness and compassion. She was harsh towards her enemies and kind towards peasants. Besides Wu Zhao, women never gained much power in China. China was a highly patriarchal society. During the Song Dynasty, this patriarchy lead to foot binding, a practice that required women's feet to be bound during infancy in order to keep them small. Small feet were considered a symbol of beauty, although the true outcomf of foot binding was not in the least bit beautiful. It was crippling.
In African societies, women's statuses did not change. They had a large amoount of freedom and matriarchy dominate patriarchy. Dowries didn't exist and "Mother of the King" was a political position in office.
In Europe, patriarchy was dominant, women could inherit land, but the property belonged to the husband, a case could be brought into court, but women couldn't participate in the decision, women worked in textiles, they were monogamous, only uppr class males were eduacated, and upper class women were veiled.
In Islam, everyone was equal in the eyes of Allah, women had some rights that men had, but they were limited, they were concubines to men, they were literate, and they were to be veiled in public.
In India, the caste system was strictly patriarchal, children were married, women had to kill themselves if their husbands pased away, they worked in textiles, marriage existed in the caste, eduction was limited, and women were to be veiled.
Chinese society was strictly Confucian, women had access to dowries and businesses, women couldn't own property if they remarried, they silk weaved, concubines were secluded, women were literate, but not educated, and their feet were bound.
Later on, around 1450-1750, there were a number of powerful women who controlled empires, yet women, for the most part, still had little rights. Jobs that women usually held were starting to become dominated by men. In Africa, men were migrated, leaving women behind, yet the society was already matriarchal. The number of unmarried women increased. Older women became part of councils outsside of Europe. Neo-Confucianism gave women proper roles within the home. European women were educated, but only boys were educated at high levels. Protestantism limited the roles of women.
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