Monday, March 10, 2008

The Rise of Hitler 245-246

How did Hitler and the rise of the Nazi Party effect the rise of a new Germany during the 1930's?


Hubbs said...

Nicole Spodek

-After the end of World War I, the emperor abdicated and a revolt occurred. Workers' and soldiers' councils formed in cities, including Berlin. The Wiemar Republic, a conservative democratic republic gained favor instead of a socialist or communist system.
-Along with Germany's economic crisis, there was worldwide depression. this brought the Nazis to power. The Nazis rose as Germany's economy collapsed. The soltuions of the Weimar Republic's elected body, The Reichstag, was rejected by the German people.
-Adolf Hitler, the head of the Nazi Party, rose to power during this time. His Nazism inspired extreme nationalism and the dreams of greatness for Germany during its struggle. Hitler believed that the Aryans were the greatest race and that Slavs and Jews were the lowest race. He wanted all Jews to be eliminated and annihilated, while the Germans took over Europe. Hitler received support during the Great Depression in the early 1930s. By 1932, the Nazis dominated German government. In 1933, he became leader of the Reichstag, determined to conquer Europe.

Hubbs said...

After the end of World War I, the emperor abdicated and a revolt in Germany occurred. The Wiemar Republic was created instead of a socialist of communist system. At the same time Germany was in an economic crisis. The National Socialist Party (Nazis) rose to power in the 1920s. Germany's economy began to collapse under the reparations from the Treaty of Versailles. German people rejected the Weimar Republic elected body, the Reichstag.

Adolf Hitler rose to power as head of the Nazi Party. He inspired extreme nationalism. Hitler was convinced that the Aryan race was the most highly evolved race and that an inferior race was the Jews. He argued that the Jews should be eliminated. The Nazi Party gained power in 1920s. Hitler received support and in the election of 1930 the Nazi increased its seats in Parliament. By 1932 the Nazis dominated German government. In 1933 Hitler seized control of the government and set up to conquer Europe.

- Alyssa Olivo

Hubbs said...

As World War I ended, Germeny entered an economic crisis. It had to pay off war reperations and its economy was weakening. Hitler took control of the matter by slowly rising to power. The Nazi Party grew and rose to power. Adolf Hitler rose to power as head of the Nazi Party. He believed that the Aryan race was the only pure race and began eliminating Jews. He seized control of the government from Hindenberg and began carrying out his plans which he recorded in his book Mein Kamf (My Struggle). Hitler began dominating Europe and made Germany one of the ten strongest countries during the 1930's.

-Faten Odeh

Hubbs said...

Once WWI had ended the emperor of Germany abdicated and there was a revolt. Councils formed in Berlin and cities alike. The system used to keep control was a "fairly democratic republic" better known as the Wiemar Republic.
In the 1920's the Nazis rose to power because of the worldwide depression in occurance during this period. The economy of Germany collapsed hard and the solutions created by the Reichstag were constantly rejected.
Adolf Hitler rose to power during this time as well. He was the head of the Nzi Party. He inspired nationalism and he believed in a superior race above al others. He belived that the Aryan race was most highly evolved and the Slavics and Jews, or the "inferior races" had corrupted the German race. Hitler belived that the Jews should be "exterminated"
Hitler had extreme support and power during the Great Depression. The Nazis were basically conrolling the German gov't and their power was so great even those who disagreed with Hitler's ideas and ways still backed him because they felt there was no other hope.
Hitler seized control of the Third Reich and the firts thing he did with this power was look to "conquering" Europe.

Nicole Kwoka. Period 7

Hubbs said...

At the end of World War I, Germany was going through a time of revolts. Many workers'and soliders'councils were meeting up in cities. Then a new republic had occured, with was the Weimar Rebulic. This was people were more in favor of a fairly conservative democratic republic then a communist or socialist system. Even though an economic problem was at hand with Germany, the Nazis rose to power. Then came Adolf Hitler who soon ecame head of the Nazi Party. He admired Mussolini and had the same idea for a goverment. Yet there was problem. He believed that the Aryan race was the most superior race and that other races such as the Jews had "Corrupted"the german race. Hitler was extremely anti-semetic and wanted the jews deported and then later eliminated. As time continued during the great depression, the Nazis dominated German goverment in the 1930s. He set his eyes on conquering Europe and no one would ever believe that one man could do some much damage in the world.

Ricardo Hernandez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

With the falling economy because Germany's loss in WWI under the Treaty of Versailles, The National Socialist Party, also known as the Nazis, rose to power. Head of the Nazi Party was Adolph Hitler. Hitler believed in social Darwinism. He felt that Jewish and Slavic people were corrupting the purity of the Aryan race. When the Great Depression hit in the early 30's, Hitler rose to an even higher power and Nazi's began taking over more and more of the German government. The people thought Hitler was their only hope so they backed him. With his new power, Hitler began his goal of conquering Europe.

period 4

Anonymous said...

after world war I, wen the German emperor abdicated his throne, a revolt occurred and the Weimer Republic was started because of the prosperous germans before the war. The Nazis rose to power in to 1920s and the economy was starting to desperately fail in germany. Adolf Hitler came to power, and inspired by Mussolini, he was focused on nationalistic beliefs but unlike Mussolini, he was focused on the superiority of one race over another, because he despised the Jewish people. like social Darwinism, he believed the the Aryan or pure white race was better than the rest and as the Nazi party gained more political control in Parliament, many people backed Hitler hoping for him to revive Germany and its devastating economy. he then took control of the government and set on conquering Europe and cleaning out the Jewish race.

Hubbs said...


Immediately after WWI a revolt occurred in Germany. At the same time , Germany was in economic crisis.In 1920 the Nazi Party rose to power.During this period Adolf Hitler rose to power as head of the Nazi Party. He inspired many people by his dreams of renewd greatness for a depressed and divided country.In 1932 the nazis dominated German government and he seized control of the people and set his hopes on conquering Europe and eliminating the Jews .

Aleks C. said...

At the time germany was in economic disaster. Mussolini's achievements benefited Germany numerous ways. The National Socialist Party, Nazis rose to power in the 1920s. As Germany was collaspsing more people began to discard the solutions of the Weimar Republic's elected body, the Reichstag. During this Adolf Hitler rose to power in the Nazi party. His Nazism inspired many to agree. He strongly felt there should be one religion and Jews and Slavs should be killed.By 1932 the Nazis took over the German government and in 1933 he bacame the leader. Although many disagreed with Hitler they felt there was no other choice.

Hubbs said...

Following the end of World War I, a revolt occurred in Germany as the emperor abdicated. Germany was thrown into a period of economic crisis, while the National Socialist Party, also known as Nazi, began to rise in power, in the 1920s. During this period in time, a man known as Adolf Hitler rose to the head of the Nazi party. He was a man who based his rule on his philosophies that a certain race was superior over another. In this case, Hitler was convinced that the Aryan race was inferior to others, deeming them the "perfect" race. On the other hand, he also thought that the Slavs, and Jews especially, were corrupting the Germans. He held a strong belief that Jews should be deported from Germany, though that later changed to them needing to be "eliminated".

Hitler became the ruler (or rather, fuhrer) of the Nazi political power as the 1920s went on. By 1933, Hitler seized control of the German government, known as the Third Reich, which only brought him one step closer to his dream to conquer Europe.

Alexandra K.
period 4

Hubbs said...

Directly after World War I, Germany entered a time of revolt.Germany shifted from being successful to being weak.After a communist system of governing was turned down a democratic republic was introduced, this was called the Wiemar Republic.Now Germany was financially hurt.Mussolini's power and success influenced Germany. A National Socialist Party was formed this is also known as the Nazi Party.It came into power in the 1920s, people rejected the Reichstag, these we the Wiemar Republic solutions to the elected body.
Adolf Hitler came to power and became the leader of the Nazi Party . he developed Nazism,which inspired nationalism .Hitler believed that everyone should look one specific way. He believed that people should look like the Aryan race. The Nazi Party came to power in the 1920s, Hitler was the leader of this party.he became the chancellor of the Reichstag. Hitler than wanted to start conquering Europe.

Deanna Mohamed

Hubbs said...

Germany was in economic crisis, and mussolini's success influenced Germany in various ways. The nazis, gained power in the 1920's, and came to power as a result of worldwide depression. At this time Adolf Hitler, gained power and became the leader of the Nazi Party. He started extreme nationalism and the dreams of renewed greatness gave hope depressed and dreaded country. His philosophies were emphasized on the Aryan race, this race was to be superior over all others. he wanted to eliminate the Jews and the Germans take over Europe. The Nazi Party gained much political power with Hitler at the head. As the Great Depression devastated the German economy; Hitler received much more support. The Nazis dominated the German government. Hitler became the leader of the Reichstag in 1930 and seized control of the government, called the third Reich and focused on conquering Europe.

-Caitlin Caggino Period 7

Hubbs said...

After the ending of World War I, the Germany of emperor abdicated, causing a revolt to occur. Soon worker and soldier councils had developed in Berlin and the favor of the Wiemar Republic grew. Throught all this, an ecomonic crisis was going on due to reparations issued from the Treaty of Versailles and the National Socialist Party came to power by the 1920's as the world was going through a depresseion from the stock market crash. Soon, Hitler became head of the Nazi Party which soon caused nationalism throughout all of Germany. Throughout his power, races like the Aryans rose on oppose to the Slavs and Jews who were falling rapidly. This soon turned into his want of Jews to be eliminated from Germany and Germans to take over all over Europe. Soon, the Nazi Party gained political power and Hitler became leader of the Reichstag as he began planning on how to conquer all of Europe throughout his rule.

Jacqueline Perez
Period 7

Hubbs said...

At the end of WW1, Germany was left in a bad position. The emperor abdicated and as a result of the revolts the Weimar Republic was formed. This did not last long because of the rise of the Nazi Party. Along with the deterioration of the economy Nazisms rose. Soon enough Hitler rose into power and became the dictator of Germany. His believes of the german being the superior race made way for his beliefs of the jews being a low race and raised the necessity for the elimination of the jews. Later his determination to conquer Europe sparked WW2.
Chamodi Rajapakse

Hubbs said...

The Rise of Hitler Began at the end of World War I. With the Treaty of Versailles forcing Germany to Pay Reparations the German People Revolted against the Government. The Emperor had abdicated his throne and Worker and soldiers councils met in Berlin. Germans were fairly prosperous before the war so they rejected a communist and socialist government in Favor of a Democratic Republic. The Weimar republic was formed. Germany was in economic crisis at the same time Mussolini was taking control of Italy. The National Socialist Party rose to power in the 1920s. Germanys economic system failed and Weimar Republic’s elected body, the people rejected the Reichstag.

At this point Hitler was rising through the ranks and became the Head of the Nazi Party.
Hitler’s Nazism inspired extreme nationalism just like Mussolini and The Fascism Party in Italy. Hitler’s views differed from Mussolini’s views. Hitler believed in superiority in one race over the others. To Hitler the Aryan race was the most highly evolved race and The Jews and Slavs were the most inferior. The Nazi Party gained power in the 1920s with Hitler at the Head of the party. The Great Depression devastated the already failing German Economy. The 1930 election put more Nazi party representatives in the seats of the Parliament. By 1932 the German Government was mostly Nazi and even Hitler’s opponents were backing him for the sake of Germany. 1933 Hitler tool complete control of the government and then set his eyes on conquering the rest of Europe. In the same year Hitler would violate the Treaty of Versailles by building up an army. Britain and France Europe’s main powers did not object Hitler’s actions fearing another Major War. Hitler and Mussolini were willing to send troops to Spain to help Francisco Franco take down the Spain’s democracy. They helped because all three countries believed that Democracy should be removed. In 1935 Hitler continued to rebuild Germany to world power status. The Munich Conference gave the Sudetenlands back to Germany. The only term Hitler had to give in to was to stop expanding. Hitler kept his word For 1 year and in 1939 Hitler and Mussolini both began to expand. The Nazi-Soviet pact kept Germany from invading The U.S.S.R and the U.S.S.R would keep out of German military affairs. After the pact Hitler invaded Poland and Britain would have no other options but to Declare war on Germany because of a nonagression pact signed with Poland, Greece, France, Turkey and Romania. Thus World War II Began.

Domenico Buono

Marklipari said...

the national socialst party, otherwise known as the nazi's, came into power in the 1920's due to the fact of a worldwide depression. germanys' economy began to collapse under the strict reparations of the treay of versailles, and the current german government, the weimar republic, began to fall.

Hitler preached extreme nationalism to german people. he also beleived that the aryans had a supreme authority over all other races, particularly jews and slavs. hitler eventually became leader of the reichstag, and seized control of the government

--Marklipari, pd4--

Hubbs said...

After WWI, the German emperor stepped down and a revolt followed. Socialism and communism was rejected and a conservative democratic republic was the Weimar Republic came about. Germany's economy was in crisis along with the worlds economy due to the American stock market crash. The economy was also wear due to the reparations due from the Treaty of Versailles. The National Socialist Party (Nazis)came to power in the 1920's. Germany began to reject the solutions of the Weimar Republic's elected body, the Reichtag.

Adolf Hitler rose to power much like Mussolini. They both got power legally by being elected. He was forced elected chancellor and later on kicked off Hindenburg for the presidency. Like Mussilini and fascism, Hitler won over his people by inspiring extreme nationalism. He emphasized superiority of one race over another. He wanted to build an Aryan race and eliminate all the Jews. Then he wanted Germany to take over the weaker countries in Europe like described in the theory of social Darwinism.


Nicole Paloscio said...

After World War 1 ended the rise of Hitler and his Nazi party in the 1920's brought about a change in goverment. As the economy fell further into depression the Germans rejected the Wiermar Republic's elected bodies, and looks towards the Nazi's party. The Nazi party was fascist.

-Nicole Paloscio
Period 5 (:

thamodi said...

adolph hitler was the political and ideological leader of the national socialist party. hitler came to power as a result of entirely legal and constitutional means. totalitarian was the type of government established by hitler in germany. his main idea was to be prepared for war. he thought that this will increase power in germany and later it did work. he had an extremely strong army which conquered many countries. he believed that weaker countries should not stand and that they should be conquered by the stronger. overall he was one of the greatest dictators in history who rose to power entirely by legaly means. later he began the elimination of jews in germany.

samadhi thabrew said...

Germany was in a bad place by the end of world war one. as a result of The emperor abdication the Weimar Republic was formed. Soon after the Nazi party was created. Nazism spread/grew through out time, to the point where Hitler had rose to power, and became the ruler/dictator of Germany. His hatred for jews and believing that the germans were better than everyone else, led to many wars including world war two. He wanted to expand or regain what he believed belonged to germany and get rid of the jews that he thought were the lowest in the human races. by the year 1933, his goal became to conquer all/most of europe which he believed belonged to germany in the first place

Anonymous said...

Emperor of Germany abdicated the throne. Germany's economy was always very poor and going through a crisis. Adolf Hitler rose to powerr in head of the Nazi party. He was a nationalists. Hitler was very much into his German culture. He was anti-semetic. He thought jews should be deported or eliminated. Hitler gained alot of support and power from people. Him and the Nazi party grew. In 1933 Hitler became chancellor. He seized the gov't and he wanted to conquer Europe.

Hubbs said...

The emperor abdicated the throne. This led to chaos in the German goverment. New parties formed but the most prominent was the Nazis. The leader of this party was Adolf Hitler. He followed the example set by Mussolini and made the country focus on nationalsim and emphasised that the German people can become great.He also thought that Jews should be eliminated and that Germany should take over all of Europe. Since the German hopes of getting out of depression were dwindling they voted Hitler in and made him chancellor. He created the Third Reich and set his sights on Europe.
James Thaon Period 7